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隐形的翅膀英文歌词 隐形的翅膀英文歌词 中英对照版: 每一次 都在徘徊孤单中坚强 Every time in hesitation and loneliness I grow even stronger;[由Www.DuanMeiWen.Com整理] 每一次 就算很受伤形容老师 也不闪泪光 Every time I chock back tears no matter how much it hurts,短故事 我知道 我一向有双隐形的翅膀 I know all along that I have a pair of invisible wings. 带我飞 供搐垛诽艹赌讹涩番绩飞过绝望 to lift me up, leaving despair behind. 不去想 他们拥有美丽的太阳 I wont envy those who always enjoy the sunshine. 我看见 每一天的夕阳 也会有变化 For I can see the beauty of change in light and shade as the sun sets each and every day. 我知道 我一向有双隐形的翅膀 I know all along that I have a pair of invisible wings 带我飞 给我期望 to lift me up high in a hopeful flight. 我最后 看到 所有梦想都开花 At long last I see all my dreams e into flower 追逐的年轻 歌声多嘹亮 in pursuit of a youthful song loud and clear. 我最后 翱翔 用心凝望不害怕 At long last I can ride on the wind and look into the distance with a resolute heart, 哪里会有风 就飞多远吧 flying as far away as the wind can take. 隐形的翅膀 让梦恒久比天长 With the invisible wings I will dream on and on till the end of time, 留一个 愿望 让自我想象 leaving a wishful picture on my mind. 全英版歌词: every time I bee strong in wandering or loneliness every time although it was so hurt I never flash tears I know I always have a pair of invisible wings bring me flying flying over the desperation I never think that how beautiful s供搐垛诽艹赌讹涩番绩un do they have I saw that the setting sun can also change every day I know that I always have a pair of invisible wings take me fly bring me hope i can finally see all the dreams came true in pursuit of youth the song is so loud and clear I finally soar and gazing by heart without fear the invisible wings make the dreams longer than the sky


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