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七年级英语牛津版7AUNIT3学案6 第 六 课 时 Integrated skills 一、课前热身 1、同学们,春节是我国最重要的传统节日了,你们是怎么度过这个愉快的节日的呢?请 你告诉我们吧! 提示: What is Chinese New Year? When is Chinese New Year? Who celebrate it? How do people celebrate Chinese New Year? What to wear? What to eat? What to do? Where to play? 那么,在海外的中国人呢?请同学们上网或查资料写一写海外华人是怎样欢度 春节的? 2、 这一课里我们还将要学到一些新的词汇,在你预习之后,你能将这些词汇填入到句子 中吗? Chinese new Year and the Mid-autumn Festival are Chinese Festivals. ②When he gets her present, he must be very . ③Jim always works very late. Sometimes he works until . ④Many, Chinese live in in foreign countries. And when Chinese New Year comes,hey also let off firecrackers and to have a . ⑤A: What’s ? B: Oh, a car hit a man. And he is dying. ⑥Have you ever seen the film king? 二、知识导航 学习目标 1、本课我们要掌握单词lion, midnight, happen, exuted, 能够使用traditional, firework, celebration 能够理解china town. 2、能够找出海报和图片中的要点。 3、通过阅读海报能够了解中国传统节日的庆祝方式,了解中西方文化的异同。 4、能够熟练运用wh-questions进行详细询问和应答。 5、用favourite一词来表达偏好。 重点概览 “独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲”。同学们,希望你们在新的一年里,心想事成, 事如意。Best wishes for the Happy new Year! 1、 traditional Chinese food 传统的中国食物traditional 意思为”传统的”, 例如: traditional dress 传统女服。 2、I’m going to watch the lion dance.我打算观看狮子舞。 这里watch是动词”观看,注视”的意思,常用于观看比赛,电视等,例如: We can watch TV on Sunday and Saturday. 3、It will be the first time I see it and I am very excited. 这将是我第一次看 到,我很兴奋,be excited意思是”兴奋”,如:I was very excited when I heard the news. 当我听到这个消息,我非常兴奋。 三、学海拾贝 随堂检测: 1、根据实际情况回答问题。 How do you usually go to school? What would you like for Children’s Day? which is your favo write subject? Why do you like English so much? When is your birthday? Where do you have the birthday party? 2、根据所学完成下面的海报 New Year’s Day New Year’s Day is January 1st People in the west and celebrate it Chinese people Celebrate New Year’s Day m


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