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七年级英语牛津版7AUNIT3学案7 第 七 课 时 Main task 一、课前热身 1、同学们通过前面几课的学习,你能用英语说出中美两国传统节日的名称吗? 2、你最喜欢的节日是哪一个呢?你能用英语写出你喜欢的节日内容的海报吗?不要着急 ,不要担心,老师相信大家通过今天的学习一定能,加油哟! 二、知识导航 同学们会做学习卡片了吧?今天,我们要学习怎样写海报啦。 学习目标 首先了解一下,我们今天的内容: 1、会听、说、读、写单词west, way, usually, through, 短语is the west, is many ways. 会听懂、会说单词neighbour, shine. 2、通过阅读Millie的节日海报内容的写作计划,了解掌握海报的写作方式。 3、能模仿所学短文写出一张自己的节日海报。 重点概览 下面是我们今天要学习的重点句子,要用心记哟! 1、People celcbrate Halloween is many ways. 许多方式来庆祝万圣节,这里的意思是”用”,如Can you say in English? 2、They knock in their neighbours’ door 这里的knock on = knock at neighbours’意思是”邻居的”以s结尾的复数名词所有格只加一撇,末尾不是s的 则加”s”表示”……的”。 如March 8th is Women’s day. 3月8日是妇女节。 All the boys’ names are on the blackboard. 3、Their neighbours usually give them a treat of sweets. 他们的邻居通常用糖果招待他们。 这里give sb a treat of sth 是”用……招待……” 相当于give sb sth as a treat Are you going to give your friend some chocolates as a treet? Are you going to give your friend a treat of chowlate. 4、They put candles is them so the light shines through the eyes, the noes and the teeth. 他们把蜡烛放进去,这样烛光就能透过眼睛、鼻子和牙齿照进来。 这里的shine through 意思是光线爱过某物照耀。 如. The moonlight is shining is through the windows. 月光透过窗户照进来。 三、学海拾贝 随堂检测: 同学们,通过本课时的学习,想试一下自己的能力吗? 1、根据首写字母和所给汉语看谁能准确地写出单词 In many w countries, people cdebrate Halloween. ②Peter wears a special at Halloween. ③I want to make a p lantern. ④The sun shines brightly the windico. ⑤There are 10 c on the birthday cake. ⑥On the Qragon Boat Festival, We eat rice d . ⑦I u get up at six o’clock. ⑧I look l a ghot? ⑨Teachers’ day is 10th S . ⑩My f festival is spring feitival. 2、想试一下你的句型转换能力吗? Millie usually goes to school by bike Millie usually goes to school . ②There are some candles on the cake There candles on the cake. ③Are there any balls under the bed? balls under the bed. ④I would like some


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