外研版高中英语选修6 Module5 Language points[优化].ppt

外研版高中英语选修6 Module5 Language points[优化].ppt

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Task1 : new words revision: 8. 追捕,追逐,追赶 9. 谋杀,谋杀案 10. 燃尽 烧完自灭 11. 扑倒在…上 12. 恐怖;害怕;担心; 13. 发出声音 1. terrify v. (make sth. frightened) 使惊恐,使受惊吓 1).His sudden appearance terrified them. = They were terrified by/ at his sudden appearance. 2).The robber terrified the bank clerk into opening the safe. 抢劫者恐吓银行职员打开保险柜。 n. terror run away in terror 惊慌地跑开 adj. terrified/ terrifying be terrified at / with 因….吓了一跳 be terrified of 恐惧,害怕…. 1). Having heard the alarm, _________ people ran out of the office. 2). I don’t like _________ films. They are frightening. 3. refuse v 拒绝 回绝 refuse + n / pron /to do / sb. sth. 1) Mum asked him to apologize, but he refused. 2) How could he refuse to help his own son? 3) he refused me without hesitation. 注意: refuse在表示“拒绝干某事”时,只能 跟不定式作宾语,不能接v.ing 形式, 且其 后不接 sb. to do sth. refuse 主语可以是 人,也可以是物。 4. murder n. /v. 谋杀,谋杀案 murderer 凶手,谋杀犯 commit murders 进行谋杀,犯杀人罪 1). 一个月内发生了3起凶杀案。 There were three murders in one month. 2). He murdered his wife with a knife. 5. chase: follow 追捕 e.g. Outside in the yard, kids were yelling and chasing each other. 在外面的院子里, 孩子们叫喊着, 互相追逐。 chase v. chased after sb./sth. 追逐,追赶,追踪,追求 chase sb./sth. away/ off/ out 赶走,驱逐 chase about 到处飞奔 chase down 努力寻找 chase one’s dream 追求个人梦想 1).两个警察在那个小偷后面追了一英里多。 Two policemen chased after the thief for more than a mile. 2).Why do people ___ material possessions? A. chase away B. chase after C chase about D. chase down 6. burn out vi. 燃尽 烧完自灭 vt. burn sth. out = sth. be burnt out 被烧空, 烧毁 burn oneself out = be burnt out 精力耗尽 ;身体搞垮 burn up 烧起来 旺起来 1). 这座房子被大火烧光了 The house was burned out by kids. 2). 蜡烛已烧尽 The candle had burned itself out 3). 他要是继续这样拼命,


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