人教版本英语九年Unit 11(Could you please tell me)(Section A)课件.ppt

人教版本英语九年Unit 11(Could you please tell me)(Section A)课件.ppt

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学生双语报 1c. Pairwork Directions! go across Practice makes perfect! The right answers ___Take the elevator to the second floor. ___Turn left. ___Take the escalator to the second floor. ___Turn right. ___The drugstore is between the furniture store and the bookstore. ___Go past the bank. 2b. Listen again! Then draw the way in the picture. Review Could you please tell me where I can …? Do you know where I can …? There is a … on the … Discussion What do you often do on weekends? Do you like going to the mall? Why? 3b. Groupwork Where do you usually hang out with your friends? At your house, at school or at a mall? What are the advantages and disadvantages? 4. Directions challenge Think of three places in your city. Write directions from your school to each place. Then read the directions to your classmates. They guess the places. Explanation 1. We decided to talk to some students about why they go there. decide to do sth. 意为决定做某事。 e.g. I have decided to sell my house. 表示“决定”的词组还有: (1) make one’s decision to do sth. decision n. 决定 (2) make up one’s mind to do sth. (3) set one’s mind to do sth. 2. I go to the mall because my friend hang out there. hang out意为闲逛, 此外hang about / around亦有此意。 hang 悬挂 pt. pp hung 绞死 pt. pp hanged (1) She hung the washing in the garden. 她把洗好的衣服晾在花园里。 (2) He was hanged for murder. 他因杀人而被绞死。 3.There’s always something happening. happening是现在分词作定语, 当然过去 分词也可作定语。例如: We can see the rising sun. He is a retired worker. There was a girl sitting there. This is the question given. There is nothing interesting. 4. It’s also just fun to watch people. (1) fun 娱乐、快乐, 为不可数名词, 本句意为观看人就是很有趣的。 (2) for/in fun 意为开玩笑地、非认真地。 e.g. He said it only for fun. (3) make fun of 取笑 5. It’s kind of small. 它有点小。 kind of 有点,相当。 e.g. I’m feeling kind of tired. 6. Go past the park. 走过公园。 (1) past此处为介词, 意为“越过” e.g. T



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