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摘 要 装备制造业在经济发展中具有重要地位,它是一个国家经济发展的基石,也是增强国家竞争力的基础。哈尔滨装备制造业的蓬勃发展对哈尔滨经济的发展有着至关重要的影响。而协作配套体系作为产业优化配置的一种表现形式,是提升企业竞争力和区域竞争力的一条有效途径,也是促进区域经济增长、提高区域经济发展水平的重要的驱动因素。因此,基于协作配套体系角度对哈尔滨市装备制造业进行分析,是十分有意义的。 论文运用了区域经济理论、产业集群理论和企业竞争力理论对目前国内外装备制造企业协作配套体系现状进行了比较分析,根据协作配套体系的特点构建哈尔滨市装备制造业协作配套体系的评价模型并对评价指标进行分析,运用模糊评价法对哈尔滨装备制造企业协作配套体系进行评价,在此基础上提出推进哈尔滨装备制造企业协作配套体系建设的对策。 关键词:装备制造业;协作配套体系;指标评价 Abstract The equipment manufacturing industry in economic development has an important position, it is a national economic development the cornerstone for strengthening the foundation of national competitiveness. Harbin equipment manufacturing industry to the vigorous development of economic development in Harbin has a critical impact. Cooperation with the system and optimizing the allocation of the industry as a form of expression, is to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and regional competitiveness of an effective way, but also to promote regional economic growth, improve regional economic development level of the important driving factors. Therefore, the point system based on the cooperation of the Harbin City equipment manufacturing industry analysis, is very meaningful. Papers use of the regional economic theory, theory of enterprise clusters and the competitiveness of enterprises of the current equipment manufacturing enterprises at home and abroad cooperation with the status quo system of a comparative analysis, in accordance with the cooperation of the characteristics of the Harbin City Construction equipment manufacturing system of cooperation of the evaluation model Analysis and evaluation indicators, the use of fuzzy evaluation of the equipment manufacturing enterprises in Harbin cooperation with the evaluation system, on the basis of Harbin to promote cooperation in equipment manufacturing enterprise system in response. Key words: Equipment manufacturing industry; Cooperation with the system; Evaluation indicators 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 论文的选题背景及目的和意义 1 1.1.1 论文的选题背景 1 1.1.2 论


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