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初一这就是我英语作文模板   导语:我就是我每一个人都是完全不同的,你知道你自己是什么样的人吗,你一定会有许多不一样的想法吧,把它记录下,来编写成英语范文吧!欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!   这就是我的英语作文:   My name is li LAN, I know my name, will be funny, said: “the gigolo knit”! Honestly, for this nickname, I’m not angry, but as long as someone called so, I will smile.   Right! I don’t have to introduce you to my face! Me, is plain, the most outstanding is my watery eyes, it let me carry the cry of “crime”. Want to know why? Listen to me about it! Because I always love to be alone, so every time someone walked past, saw I a person sit alone, to look into the eyes of my want to “cry”, will be never tired of again and again asked me why I want to cry. At this time, even if I repeat denied, “and that” the cry, “the facts”. Alas, this let me double love-hate relationship watery eyes, what do you want me to do?   My favorite is the painting, every time I will calm down and draw. Look at this one grey paper blink of an eye into a series of colorful, painting and pleasing to the eye, heart filled with joy at once. Turning the elegantly beautiful picture, in the heart will be poured into the infinite meet again. Drawing makes me bad memories are erased everything, instead of happy, painting medicine is to make me happy.   Ah, I almost forgot to tell you, after school, my greatest pleasure is reading a book, a novel, name, composition, I love to see. In my book I can fall back such as flow! Especially, the holiday I will go to the bookstore reading every day, almost see the bookshop and have been closed. So, my friends and my brother most is not willing to go with me to the bookstore, said that as soon as I read I see close, really boring! Know how I myopic, is reading time is too long to harm!   This is me, would you like to make friends with me?   参考翻译:   我的名字叫刘兰,知道我名字的人,都会风趣的说:“牛郎织女”来啰!说实在话,对于这个绰号,我一点也不生气,而且只要有人这么叫,我都会微笑地答应。   对了!我还没向你们介绍我的长相呢!我,相貌平平,最为突出的是我那水汪汪的眼睛,它让我背负了爱哭的“罪名”。想知道为什么吗?听我讲述吧!由于我总爱一个人呆着,所以每次别人一走过,看到我一个人独坐,再看我那要“哭”的眼睛,就会不厌其烦的一遍一遍地问


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