初三Unit 15 A doctor for animals.doc

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初三Unit 15 A doctor for animals Unit 15 A doctor for animals 一、本单元知识目标 1.掌握以下单词及用法:  grateful, tail, lonely, success, mostly, pig, education, countryside, treat, regard, exactly, keep, experience, painful, rock, story, grab, crash, mobile, least 2.理解以下单词:  rewarding, wag, vet, heal, injection, earthquake 3.掌握以下词组及用法:  make up one’s mind, regard... as..., at all, at least 4.灵活运用以下句式进行交际:  表示肯定和不肯定 Expressing certainty and uncertainty  We can find ….我们能找到…… 喜好和厌恶 Like and dislikes  I like …. 我喜欢……  I really love …. 我真的喜欢……  I like to work with …. 我喜欢和……工作  Do you like being …? 你愿意成为……吗? 请求允许和应答 Asking for permission and responses  - Can I ask you some questions? 我能问您一些问题吗?  - Sure. 当然可以。 5.语法  The Infinitive 动词不定式 二、本单元课文难点讲解 第57课重点例句及相关知识的分析  1. Do you like being a doctor for animals? 您喜欢当兽医吗?  句中的being 可以用to be 的形式表示。如:  I like to be an English teacher. 我喜欢当一名英语教师。  句中a doctor for an animals 可以用an animal doctor 的形式表示。如:  He is a famous animal doctor from England. 他是来自英国的著名兽医。 2. To be a doctor for animals is very rewarding. 当兽医很值得。  句中rewarding是形容词,意思是”有报酬的;有用的;有益的”。如:  You will find this book very rewarding. 你将发现这本书是非常有益的。 3. I’d like to work with animals better.? 相比人类而言我更喜欢为动物服务。 work at: 努力学习,work on:继续工作;work out:想出计算出,制订;at work : 在工作,从事于……,忙于……,比如: English is so important that we must work hard at it.? ② It was very late , but he was still working on without supper.? ③ He has already worked out these maths problems , so he feels very happy.? 4. To help animals is helping people. 帮助动物就是帮助人类。  句中helping是现在分词作定语,修饰people。  分词有两种,一种是现在分词,一种是过去分词。这两种分词在句子中能担任的成分大体相同,主要是在意思上有主动和被动之分。现在分词一般有主动的意思,过去分词一般有被动的意思,有时表示的时间也不相同。试看两种分词的主要差别。如:  He is a promising young man. 他是一个很有培养前途的青年。  This is a pressing problem. 这是个紧急问题。  He is an interesting man. 他是个有趣的人。  He’s very interested in the man. 他对那个男人非常感兴趣。  The news is exciting. 这消息很激动人心。  We were excited to hear it. 听了这事我们很激动。 第58课重


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