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初三英语优秀作文范文:电信给现代生活带来的方便 Modern life would be unimaginable without telecommunications. Telephone, fax and TV are already household words. New terms like pager, mobile phone and E-mail are entering our daily life at a rapid pace. Telecommunications have penetrated nearly every aspect of modern life and are fast changing the way we live. It is no exaggeration to say that telecommunication bring huge profits and great convenience on our daily life. For instance, the telephone makes it possible for people in different places to talk to one another. Pager and mobile phone enable us to make a phone call regardless of time and place. Compared with ordinary mail delivery, or even with express airmail delivery, electronic mail delivers mails much faster and at a surprisingly cheap price, no matter where the receiver is. Surfing the Internet is also a by-product of telecommunication, which, provides us with easy access to a wealth of information. Furthermore, thanks to the rapid growth of telecommunications, business corporations can manage business affairs far more efficiently through phone, fax, and on-line computer. However, there are disadvantages brought about by telecommunication, such as phone bills for unnecessary talks, the disturbance of unwanted or wrong calls, and the attraction of hot-line services, etc. Yet by and large, telecommunications bring more benefit than harm to our life. By shortening distance, telecommunication enhance efficiency in our commercial activities, save time and money in promoting interpersonal relations as well as in acquiring knowledge and accumulating information. Telecommunication have changed and will change our way of life. 职业道德试题 1、关于道德,准确的说法是(C)。 (A)道德就是做好人好事 (B)做事符合他人利益就是有道德 (C)道德是处理人与人、人与社会、人与自然之间关系的特殊行为规范 (D)道德因人、因时而异,没有确定的标准 、与法律相比,道德(B)。 (A)产生的时间晚 (B)适用范围更广 (C)内容上显得十分笼统 (D)评价标准难以确定 、关于道德与法律,正确的说法是(D)。 (A)在法律健全完善的社会,不需要道德 (B)由于道德不具备法律那样的强制性,所以道德的社会功用不如法


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