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邀请函翻译件 篇一:邀请函翻译模板 Date: Attn:Australian Consulate-General Shanghai, China I hereby apply for my brotherand his wife to visit us in Australia in the near term. During their stay, I hereby guarantee them accommodation and all related expenses incurred in Australia. I ask for your favorable response in granting them their travel visa to Australia. ’s Passport No. : ’s Passport No.: Yours Sincerely, (Australia Passport No.) 篇二:邀请函及英文件 邀请函 INVITATION 尊敬的 先生/女士(Dear Sir/Madam): 您好!我们诚挚地邀请您参加将于9月18日(星期二)下午15:30在南京市白下区金蝶科技园(中山东路532-2号)举行的“2012南京市白下区金秋经贸洽谈会”。十一届全国政协副主席、全国工商联主席黄孟复先生等国家、省、市领导和部分工商界精英将莅临本次大会。本次活动以“创新、转型、共赢”为主题,通过举办投资推介、交流洽谈、项目合作等系列活动,为参会境内外客商搭建合作交流的平台,共享经济转型发展的丰硕成果。 我们热忱期待您的支持与参与! We hereby sincerely invite you to the “2012 Nanjing (Baixia) Golden Autumn Economic and Trade Fair ”to be held in Kingdee Technology Park(No. 532-2 East Zhongshan Road ) in Baixia District of Nanjing at 15:30 Sep 18th(Tuesday). Mr. Huang Mengfu, 11th CPPCC vice-president and ACFIC president, and other political and business elites will attend this meeting. The theme for this fair is ”Innovation, Transformation and Win-win”. We are glad to provide an interactive platform for both domestic and foreign clients by hosting a series promotion, communication and co-operation, so as to share benefits of the transformative development in economy. We sincerely look forward to your support and participation. 南京市白下区人民政府 Gov of Baixia District,Nanjing Municipality 二O一二年八月二十六日 Aug 26th 2012 议程安排(Agenda) 15:30区委、区政府主要领导与部分客商座谈 Leaders meeting 15:45活动签到 Conference registeration 16:18白下区人民政府区长曹永林介绍参会领导、来宾 President of Baixia government Cao Yonglin to introduce leaders and guests present 16:23十一届全国政协副主席、国家工商联主席黄孟复致辞 The 11th CPPCC vice-president, ACFIC president Huang Mengfu to deliver a speech 16:28省领导致辞 Leaders of Jiangsu Province to give a speech 16:33市领导致辞 Leaders of Nanjing Municipality to give a speech 16:38白下区委常委、区政府副区长薛凤冠介绍区情及辖区招商资源 Vice-president


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