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属于谦虚的坚韧力量高一英语作文   导语:谦虚使人进步,骄傲会使人落后我们经常会听听见这样的一句话,你肯定有不少想法吧,把它记录下来,编写成英语作文吧!欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!   优秀精选例文:   In daily life, we happen every day a lot of things, some things ordinary; Some things will never forget; Also some things let a person forget... I had such a thing, cause me to understand the humility is a kind of happiness.   One morning, I’m going to ride to aunt’s house to play, on the bus, I hurriedly took a seat, at the next stop, a grandmother, grandmother is very old and thin, like a gust of wind can blow her down, at that moment my heart is very contradictory, and want to give the old woman give up her seat, and thought that if I am offered his seat to the old woman, I don’t have no seat, even several stops to aunt’s house. As I don’t hesitated whether to offer their seats to the old woman, a clear performance made me stop hesitating, also with the look in the past, it turns out that a little sister is than I am got up and offered his seat to the old woman, seeing this, my heart irritable, have a kind of unspeakable taste, afflictive dead. So I can’t help stood up, took my seat to the little sister, at this moment, my heart just feel better, also don’t know isn’t for me to give the little sister and glory, and I didn’t give the old woman give up her seat and harm dry...   Although this matter has passed, but let me forget, when the little sister to the old woman give up her seat is always emerge in front of my eyes.   参考翻译:   在日常生活中,我们每天都会发生很多事,有的事情平平常常;有的事情终身难忘;也有的事情让人刻骨铭心……我曾发生过这样的一件事情,使我明白了谦让是一种快乐。   一天早上,我准备乘车去姑姑家玩,上了公交车,我连忙抢了一个座位坐下,到了下一站,上来一位老奶奶,老奶奶很苍老消瘦,好像一阵风就可以把她吹倒,这时我心里很矛盾,又想给这位老奶奶让座,又想到如果我给这位老奶奶让座,我不就没座位了,到姑姑家还要坐好几个站呢。正当我在犹豫到底给不给这位老奶奶让座时,一阵清脆童声使我停止了犹豫,目光也随着看了过去,原来,一位比我还小的妹妹正起身给这位老奶奶让座呢,看到这一幕,我的心里火辣辣的,有一种说不出的滋味,难受死了。于是,我情不自禁地站了起来,把我的座位让给这位小妹妹,这时,我的心这才感觉到好受一点,也不知是不是为我给这位小妹妹让座而光荣,还是我没有给那位老奶奶让座而害燥……   这件事虽然已经过去了,但却让我刻骨铭心,那位小妹妹给老奶奶让座时的情景还时时浮现在我的眼前。   优秀精选例文:   Today, early in the morning to go out to go to visit relatives, but the ro



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