必修5Unit 1 Great Scientists 阅读课.doc

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必修5Unit 1 Great Scientists 阅读课 济宁市第一中学 林翠菊 李雯 张学敏 刘玉东 邵长云 孔庆民 第一步 检查作业与导入 1. 抽取三个小组把昨天的作业向全班学生汇报,然后教师总结,同时引出 Reading的学习。 2. 通过作业及作业的检查使学生清楚了解一些科学家的背景知识。 3. 听写单词和短语。 第二步 快速阅读课文 1. After reading the passage, put the correct stages in examining a new scientific idea into the Reading. ? Stages in an experiment Para. 1 Find a problem Para. 2 Make up a question Para. 3 Think of a method Para. 4 Collect results Para. 5 Analyse the results Para. 6 Repeat if necessary Para. 7 Draw a conclusion 2. What’s the passage mainly about? Key: It’s about how John Snow collected, analyzed data to find the cause of the disease and solved it. 第三步 细读课文,回答问题 Finish Comprehending中的Exercises1,23. 第四步 阅读欣赏 1. Which sentence do you like best? Underline the sentence and recite them. 2. Ask students to make new sentences, imitating the sentence structure. 第五步 朗读模仿 听课文录音,模仿跟读。 第六步 重点单词、词组释义 1. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood.它的病因和治疗都不为人所了解。 并列连词词组 neither...nor 用来连接两个并列的否定成分,意思是“既不……也不……”。 I have neither time nor money. He was neither clever nor stupid, but good enough at his work. They could neither read nor write. Paul came just at the right time, neither too early nor too late. 注意: 1) 在连接两个主语时,一般情况下动词和靠近它的主语在人称和数上一致,即就近原则 类似用法的结构还有:either... or..., not only...but also..., not...but...。 Neither you nor he is wrong. 2) 与 neither... nor 相对应的词组是 both... and。 2. look into 调查;研究 The police will look into the traffic accident. Her disappearance is being looked into by the police. look through 翻阅;仔细检查 look after 照看;照顾 look down on/upon 轻视;看不起 look out 小心 look over 检阅;检查 look up 仰视;察看 look up to sb. 尊敬或赞赏某人 3. prevent sb./sth. doing sth. 意思是“阻止……做……”。 stop/keep sb./sth. 也是“阻止……做……”的意思。Stop结构中可以省略from, 但keep结构中from不能省。 Nothing can prevent/ stop us getting married. 没有什么能阻止我们结婚。 第七步 作业布置 1. 阅读 Notes to the Text。 2. Rewrite the passage in the first person. 3. Finish Speaking Task on page 46. 原创 不得转载 酒店年度工作计划范文汇总--年度工作计划 酒店年度工作计划范文汇


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