必修5Unit 5 First Aid 第一课时 听说课(一).doc

必修5Unit 5 First Aid 第一课时 听说课(一).doc

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必修5Unit 5 First Aid 第一课时 听说课(一) 第一步 引入话题 ?? ?? 1. Ask students what happened in the four pictures. Picture1. A great fire broke out. Picture2. A traffic accident happened. Picture3. A solider got wounded. Picture4. A person was pulled out of a river. 2. Ask students what to do in such situations. 3. Ask students how much they know about first aid. 4. Ask students to read the defination and importance of first aid in the Warming up and fill in the blanks. First aid is the first kind of ______ given to someone who suddenly ______ ______ or get ______ before a doctor can be found. Often the ______ or ______ is not serious, there are other times when giving first aid quickly can save one’ life. Keys:help, falls ill, injured, illness, injure. 第二步 看一看 猜一猜 Show the following pictures to the whole class to lead in the text. ? ? ? ? Ask students to have a discussion in groups of four on what to do in any of these situations, and ask some groups to give their measures to the whole class. Teacher collects students’ ideas and show them more information. 1. A snake has bitten him on his leg. Lay the person down and keep him still. Do not wash the venom off the skin, it will help identify the type of snake. Apply pressure to the bitten part with your hands and then, as soon as possible with a bandage firmly over the bite. Do not move him until the doctor is coming. 2. She cut her arm with some broken glass and is bleeding badly. Put a bandage on the wound and apply pressure to reduce the bleeding 3. He has badly sprained his ankle. Have the vict im sit down and elevate the foot. Put an ice pack on ankle to reduce the pain. Firm the injured part and call for help. 4. She is choking on a piece of food. If the person can cough or speak or breathe, don’t do anything. If you move her, the food in her throat may be caused to move and completely block the airway. If the person can not breathe or speak, hit him between the shoulders with your hand three of fou


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