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我最喜爱的小动物英语作文   导语:动物是人类最好的朋友,你最喜欢的动物是什么呢!今天小编为大家整理了关于动物的英语作文,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!   描写动物英语作文:   Animals are human most loyal partner, composition of my favorite animals. Animals add fun in our lives, for our portal. So we should kind to animals, because animals also have feelings, if you this life is also a small animals, you will want to human how to you? So we have to learn to draw, to friendly treat every small animal in the world!   My favorite little animals must belong to the dog. Why do you say that? Because I owned a small animal since I can remember the home, the dog dog. As if I was eight or nine years old, I went to my grandparents’ house, there have been a dog. Because during the summer vacation, so I just on grandpa’s grandmother lives in a few weeks. Feel bored, just have a little puppy dog play. Dog’s body a snow-white, a few small tail swaying, weenose straight around eyes, cute little nose smell east west smell. From time to time, but also his little tongue scattered heat! Due to the puppy whole body is white, it is to give it named “nothing”.   When I finished the fixed work, I have made and in play together, we often play the game of throwing bones, is to throw the bone out, let all be to pick up, every time to time in vain, and again the last compare is improved or declined. When eating every time, always in vain “hide” under my legs, from time to time, still can hear the dog barks in vain quack! For nothing, or keep a faithful as my grandparents’ house, when to enter the home, a stranger said nothing would keep yelling, until the stranger away.   I like small animals, I prefer white white! Hope all the world to take care of small animals, with a sincere heart to love them, protect them. Take good care of small animals is responsibility and obligation to people all over the world.   参考翻译:   动物是人类最忠实的伙伴,作文 我最喜欢的小动物。动物给我们的生活添加了乐趣,动物替我们看守门户。所以我们要友善的对待动物,因为动物也是有感情的,如果你今生也是一只小动物,你会希望人类怎样对你?所以我们要学会将心比心,去友好的对待世界上的每一只小动物吧!   我最喜欢的小动物非小狗莫属。为什么这


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