新课标高一必修1 英语教案Unit 4 Earthquakes (综合教案).doc

新课标高一必修1 英语教案Unit 4 Earthquakes (综合教案).doc

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新课标高一必修1 英语教案Unit 4 Earthquakes (综合教案)

新课标高一必修1 英语教案Unit 4 Earthquakes (综合教案) Unit 4 Earthquakes Part One: Teaching Design Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading Aims To listen and talk about natural disasters To read about earthquakes Procedures I. Warming up Warming up by looking Good morning class. Have you ever experienced any natural disasters? Look at the pictures, can you name all the disasters? volcano fire sandstorm typhoon hailstone thunderstorm flood hurricane earthquake Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Can you describe how terrible an earthquake is? Warming up by discussing Now, look at the pictures of Tangshan and San Francisco in warming up and describe what you see in the pictures. What will happen if there has been a big earthquake in these two cities? As we all know, earthquakes are disasters to everyone. But can we avoid or at least reduce the loss caused by earthquakes? Can we foretell e arthquakes? Now let?s come to Pre-reading and decide what may happen before an earthquake comes. II. Pre-reading 1.Talking and sharing What are the signs of an earthquake? 2. Imaging and sharing Imagine there is an earthquake now, your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Why? III. Reading 1. Listening and fast reading Now let?s come to the text “A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN?T SLEEP” and see what it tells us. Please listen to the text and get the general idea of the passage. You should pay attention to the first sentences of each paragraph. In what order is the text written? 2. Reading and underlining Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the pass age. Copy them in your notebook after class as homework. Collocations from A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN?T SLEEP a smelly gas, come out of, in the farmyards, too nervous to eat, run out of, look for place to hide, water pipes, think little of sth., as us


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