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最新十一国庆节的来源英语作文   导语:十月一日是中国的国庆节,也是属于全中国人民的日子,但是国庆节的由来你又知道多少呢?下面是小编为大家整理的小学五年级的国庆由来英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。欢迎参考阅读,希望对大家有所帮助!欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!   国庆节英语作文【范文一】:   The National Day is a national holiday, is also the whole country people’s festival, is a symbol of a country in the continent on the earth is the rise of the real god.   China, a country make the pride of China descendants, but the country’s bitterness and who understand? How many Chinese hero fell for the National Day this day, they didn’t see National Day warm, also didn’t see the five-star red flag rising in tiananmen square, but it is their, such kind of people as they are, in order to faith, to the people, for the sake of the People’s Republic of China, to this day, National Day they contributed the precious life. But their faith has never stopped, even a moment, after a lifetime revolutionary predecessors of blood, the last for one day, on October 1, the Chinese people the most proud of the day.   The origin of the National Day, is the origin of a country, is also a national unyielding testimony.   参考翻译:   国庆节是国家的节日,也是整个国家人民的节日,象征着一个国家在神洲大地上真正的崛起了。   中国,一个令华夏子孙骄傲的国家,但是这个国家的辛酸又有谁明白呢?为了国庆这一天多少华夏英雄倒下了,他们不曾看到国庆的热烈,也没有看到五星红旗在天安门广场升起,但是正是他们,像他们这样的人,为了信仰,为了人民,为了中华人民共和国,为了国庆节这天,他们贡献出了宝贵的生命。但是他们的信仰从来没有停止过,哪怕是一刻,经过一辈子革命前辈的流血牺牲,最后换来了10月1日这天,中国人民最自豪的这天。   国庆的由来,就是一个国家的由来,也是一个民族自强不息的见证。   国庆节英语作文【范文二】:   On October 1, 1949, is the anniversary of the founding of new China. There should be clear, in many people’s impression, 1949 held in Beijing’s tiananmen square on October 1, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians to participate in the founding ceremony of the People’s Republic of China. In fact, this impression in people’s mind is not accurate. Because, on October 1, 1949 held a ceremony in tiananmen square is a grand ceremony for the central people’s government of the People’s Republic of China was founded, rather than the founding ceremony. In fact, the “founding of the People’s Republic of China, t


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