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2007--2008学年第一学期外语系2005级本科英语专业英国文学史及选读期末考试(B卷) I. Complete the following statements with a proper word or a phrase. (20=1*20) Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the most important figures in English literature, achieved his fullest artistic power in his masterpiece __________. Shakespeare wrote his sonnets in iambic pentameter, with the rhyming scheme of ___________. A________ is a far-fetched and ingenious extended comparison used by metaphysical poets to find unusual analogies for the poet’s ideas in the startlingly esoteric or the shockingly commonplace – not the usual stuff of poetic metaphor. “Nine times the space that measures day and night / To mortal men, he with his horrid crew / Lay vanquished, rolling in the fiery gulf / Confounded though immortal.” Here the “he” refers to ______, the evil angel who defies the authority of God in heaven. _______ is remembered to be the father of English novel. Johnson Swift’s masterpiece, Gulliver’s Travels, is divided into ______ parts according to the different remote places that he goes. With the publication of William Wordsworth’s ________in collaboration with S. T. Coleridge, romanticism began to bloom and found a firm place in the history of English Literature. Byron is chiefly known for his two poems, one of which is “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” and the other is _______. ______is Shelley’s well-known political lyric which sings highly of the revolutionary force. In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend, __________, appeared after the romantic poetry. The greatest English realist of the 19th century was ____________who pictures bourgeois civilization, and shows the misery and sufferings of the common people. The Victorian Age in English literature was largely an age of prose, especially of the ________. The most important poet of the Victorian Age was ________. Next to him were Robert Browning and his wife. In The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde portrays 2 “_______” who leads a double life or


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