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精选的格列佛游记英语读后感   导语:小说中的情节和人物虽然纯属虚构,然而却以作家生活的现实世界为基础。如发生小人国里的种种荒唐的所作所为。无一不是以当时英国统治者的腐败和罪恶行径为原型的,因而具有深刻的现实意义。欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网   格列佛游记英语读后感:   Gulliver is the main character in this book, because have strong interest in traveling, he went to a merchant ship as a surgeon. Later, due to various reasons, the author the mistake came to the pu’s kingdom. The country’s residents are only the middle finger is so high, the authors seem impossibly tall in this country. Then a series of things happened here, until at last the author was framed by donation and had to flee to not to come, the ancient. An accidental opportunity, however, the author returned to their country... After the tortuous, the author came to a broad BuDing nai. He is known by his master, here to exhibit and sell a farmer of torment. Later owners sell him into the palace, the author began his wonderful journey...   Again after the return to her native country, the author wasn’t content to the calm of life, and the third, fourth in the sea. Ships take him to the skin of his, barney bobby, raga nai, and many other countries. The author has experienced unprecedented experience again...   Although the plot and characters of the novel fabrication, but based on the writer living in the real world. If produce all kinds of absurd behavior in Lilliput. Notting have is not to the British ruler’s corrupt and evil as the prototype, which has profound practical significance. Again like a flying island of allegorical hateful behavior is Britain’s rule in Ireland. This kind of gimmick apply skillfully, and serious, give a person with strong sense of reality.   At the time of writing this book, the author swift in British society and the status quo of the literary world at that time, his work is often associated with political problems, write very deep, showed his age to evil, and defects. He thought: “there are a lot of things can’t use the law to punish, religious and moral constraint is not enough to make th


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