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精选的里约残奥会开幕式英语作文素材   导语:4年一度的里约残奥会在北京时间9月7号的晚上拉开了序幕,这次残奥会开幕式将注重体现包容性,并且唤醒形、声、闻、味、触这五种感觉,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!   残奥会英语作文素材:   Heat Rio paralympic games opening ceremony of the creative director, 29, said on September 7, the opening ceremony of the paralympic games staged will pay attention to reflect inclusiveness, and wake up form, sound, smell, taste and touch the five senses.   Rio’s Olympic opening ceremony held on August 5, the Brazilian with a Brazilian rocks, and reveals the opening ceremony of the peace and environmental protection has won wide acclaim. Don’t overheat said, with the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to introduce Brazil’s history and culture is different, the paralympic games opening ceremony will show a completely different point of view.   ”It (the paralympic games opening ceremony will be about tolerance and awaken the five senses,” hot, told the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo newspaper in an interview, “it will emphasize a kind of idea, that is the body of each one of us has a heart.”   According to the heat, and a link of the paralympic games opening ceremony is let the audience can’t see anything on the stage. In addition, he said TV will also be used to broadcast the opening ceremony, a more detailed commentaries to take care of the visually impaired.   Heat, he said, with the London paralympics outstanding disabled athletes is superman is different, the Rio paralympic games will focus on the basic elements of human beings, at the same time is not limited to sports achievement.   Rio paralympic games opening ceremony will be held on September 7th in the maracana stadium. Recently, along with Rio’s successful hosting of the Olympic Games, especially the Brazilian delegation in the Olympic Games won the men’s soccer and volleyball games gold medal, the Brazilian remarkable increase of engagement of Olympic and paralympic games, the paralympic games ticket sales also rose. Last Wednesday, a day sold 145000 tickets for the p


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