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摘 要 随着互联网的高速发展,人们生活水平的提高,计算机已经逐渐深入到社会的各个领域中,信息化”,“自动化”也逐渐成为了21世纪企业发展的代名词。快捷的上网方式已经成为人们的追求,因此,像以前落后的上网方式已经不可取了。针对人们的需求,提高上网速度,简化代码,优化页面的开发势在必行。 本次设计针对高校研究生教学管理平台的优化充分考虑了研究生教学管理的特点,符合高校教学管理的需求,界面美观,功能齐全,并保证上网的速率。高标准、高质量的管理才能满足人们的需求。 本课题主要介绍了对高校研究生教学管理平台的优化,这次的课程设计主要分界面优化,数据库优化以及代码优化三部分。本设计是以JAVA作为开发语言,TOMCAT作为后台服务器,并使用了Sql Server 2008作为后台数据库。此次优化还结合了JSP、Java、DreamWeaver、CSS据库等软件的使用。通过对这三方面优化的理解对此教学管理平台进行进一步的完善,使此教学管理平台更符合广大师生的意愿,更方便地为师生服务。 关键词: 界面优化,数据库优化,代码优化 Abstract With the rapid development of Internet, peoples living standards improve, the computer has gradually penetrated into all areas of society, and information technology , automation has gradually become synonymous with business development in the 21st century. Quickest way Internet has become the peoples pursuit, therefore, as before, the way the Internet has undesirable behind it. against the peoples needs and improve Internet speed, simplify the code, optimize the development imperative page. The design for the optimization of Graduate teaching management platform fully consider the characteristics of the postgraduate teaching management, teaching management in line with demand, beautiful interface, complete functions, and to ensure access rate. High standards and quality management in order to meet peoples needs. This paper focuses on the optimization of university graduate teaching management platform, this course is primarily designed interface optimization, database optimization, and code optimization of three parts. The design is based on JAVA as a development language, TOMCAT as a background server and use the Sql Server 2008 as the back-end database. The optimization also incorporates the use of JSP, Java, DreamWeaver, CSS databases and other software. By understanding these three aspects of this teaching optimized management platform for further improvement of teaching management platform makes this more in line with the wishes of the majority of teachers and students, more convenient for stud


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