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摘要 在网络越来越发达的今天,人们已经不再满足于信息的浏览和发布,而是希望能够充分享受网络所带来的便利。因此,图书管理系统以方便、快捷的优点正慢慢地进入人们生活,将传统的图书管理方式彻底的解脱出来,提高效率,减轻工作人员以往繁忙的工作,减小出错概率,使读者可以花更多的时间再选择书和看书上。 Java是一种程序设计语言,它具有简单的、完全面向对象以及与平台无关的结构,也具有可移植性、高性能和安全性等特点,而Java语言最大的成功之处在于它的平台无关性和具有强大的网络编程功能。因此我将用JAVA编写一个图书管理系统。 本系统是采用JSP+servlet在网络上构架一个动态的图书管理系统,它是以tomcat 作为服务器并且以MySQL作为数据库来开发,采用JSP技术开发的图书管理系统。主要实现3个方面功能:1.图书管理系统首页 2.登录区域 3.用户系统查询功能 4.用户借阅、归还功能 关键词:图书管理,系统设计,dreamweaver,数据库 ABSTRACT Increasingly developed in the network today,people had no longer meet the purpose of information browsing and publishing,but hope to enjoy more and more convenient brought by Internet.Therefore,Book Management System the advantages of convenient,fast is slowly into people’s life,the traditional books management way thorough liberation,improve efficiency,reduce staff ever busy job,reduce the error probability,so that readers can spend more time to choose books and read on. Java is a programming language, it has a simple, fully object-oriented and platform independent structure, also with portability, high performance and safety, while Java language greatest success lies in its platform independence and has strong network programming function. So I will use JAVA to write a Book Management System. This system is try to use the JSP+servlet on the network architecture of a dynamic books management system,it is a tomcat as the server,using MySQL as database to development ,using the JSP technology development books management system. Main realize three aspects of function:1. The books management system home page 2. Log in and registered area 3. The user’s system query functions Key words: Management of books,systematic design,dreamweaver,database 目录 1.绪论 1 1.1课题研究的目的和意义 1 1.2国内外概况 1 2.实现技术 2 2.1 Java技术 2 2.2 MySQL 3 2.3 B/S结构 4 2.3.1作用 5 2.3.2架构软件 5 2.4 Eclipse 开发环境 6 2.5 Dreamweaver 6 2.6 WEB服务器 7 3.需求分析 8 3.1系统需求概述 8 3.2系统的功能分析 8 3.3经济可行性分析 8 3.4 性能需求分析 9 4.系统设计与实现 9 4.1 模块分析 9 4.2数据流程图 10 4.2.1 系统数据流图 10 4.3 数据


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