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选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature 复习目标闯关 要点名师讲解 【重点单词】 1. appoint vt.约定; 任命, 委任 [典例] 1) He was appointed mayor of the city. 他被任命为市长。 2) Please appoint a time for the meeting请你约定开会时间 [相关短语] break an/ ones appointment 违约, 失约 have an appointment with sb. at要在某时间和某人有约会 keep an /ones appointment 守约 make/ fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会 by appointment 按照约定, 照章 hold an appointment 担任某职 appoint sb. as/ to be… 任命某人为… appoint sb. to do sth. 委派某人做某事 appoint sth. (for sth.)(为某事)确定(日期、场所) 【即境活用】I called the airline to _____ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada. A. appoint B. obtain C. confirm D. admit 【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。由句意可知,我提前一周给航空公司打电话的目的是想确定一下我动身去加拿大的航班预订。Appoint任命;obtain得到;admit 承认;confirm确定,根据句意选C。 4. panic vi. vt. n. 惊慌,惊恐 The crowd paniced at the sound of the guns.人们听到枪声感到惊慌。 【拓展延伸】panic over/about/at sth. 对某事感到惊慌 panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人惊慌地做 get into a panic =be thrown into a panic 使陷入惊慌状态 be in panic 惊慌失措地 be seized with a panic 惊慌失措 cause a panic 引起恐慌 5. guarantee vt. 保证;担保 n. 保证, 保证书, 担保, 抵押品 Guarantee sb. against/from… 保证某人免受损害、危险等 guarantee to do sth 保证干某事 guarantee that/sth… 保证-------; guarantee sb. sth. =guarantee sth. to sb. 向某人担保/保证某事 give sb a guarantee that…向某人保证----- (be)under guarantee 在保修期内 The rain guarantees a good crop this year. 这场雨保证了今年有好收成。 My watch is guaranteed for one year.我的表保修一年 【即境活用】Working hard is not only a___of great success, but is among the essential requirements. A. sign B. signal C. guarantee D. supposition 【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。句意:努力工作不仅是巨大成功的保证,也是必要条件之一。 【重点短语】 1. burn… to the ground全部焚毁 He has no place to live in because his house has been burnt to the ground. 【相关短语】 burn away 逐渐烧掉,消失 burn down (建筑物)烧毁,火力减弱 burn off 烧掉,蒸发 burn up 烧毁、烧得更旺/亮,消耗 burn out 烧坏,烧尽 burn oneself out 筋疲力尽 burn for 渴望 burn in 给—留下不可麽灭的印象 【即境活用】Be careful with fir


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