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前言: 希望大家在每次考完试后,自觉补充每一科的内容,然后公布在QQ群里。让每一个自考者早日通过。 “随怀尽善尽美之心,难免有白璧微瑕之憾”,补充的也许不太到位,希望大家一起努力,共同补充完整! ——赠与读者,望传承 于2014年上半年 2014下半年以后 由你来传承 . . . . . . 上外自考本科段口译2001-2014年上半年历年真题 C-E1改革开放30年来,随着中国逐渐成为政治经济强国,海外人士学习汉语的现象与日俱增。 Due to the reform and opening up policy over the past 30 years, china has emerged as a political and economic power, attracting/drawing more foreigners to learn Chinese language. Due to the reform and opening up to the outside word over the past 30 years, china is now politically and economically stronger, attracting/drawing more foreigners to learn Chinese language. 2有趣的是我发现越来越多的美国人除了对中国菜赞不绝口之外,也在尝试书法,武术和孔子儒家学说。 Interestingly, I found that Americans who study Chinese are learning calligraphy, martial arts, and Confucianism apart from enjoying Chinese food. 3我们应该更加重视第二语言在传播文化中的作用。挖掘第二文化中的内涵,为不同国家间的文化交际发挥重要的和桥梁作用。 We should pay more attention to the role the second language played in the second culture, to explore the essence of the second culture, and to make it serve as the bridge and link between different nations in the cross-culture communication. 过去10年,***已经严重影响了人类 生存环境和健康。 Over the past decade, human’s survival and health have been greatly affected by *** 中国是一个发展中国家,面临着发展经济与保护环境的双重任务。 China is a developing country and is faced with the dual tasks of developing economy and protecting environment. 从国情出发,中国正在全面推进现代化建设的过程中。 Given the national situation, china is in the process of modernization./china is working hard for its modernization drive. 中国将环境保护作为作为基本国策,实现经济持续发展作为一项重要任务。 China will take environment protection as its basic national policy and sustainable growth of economy as a vital/key task. 我们认为保护环境是全人类的共同任务。 We consider/regard environment protection as a common task for all. 中国将积极发展环境保护领域的双边以及多边合作。 China will actively enhance the bilateral and multilateral cooperation on environment protection 生态环境和生物多样性的保护是环保工作的重点。 The key to environment protection is to protect eco-system and biodiversity. C-E 1. United states and Canada are less dep


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