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【译林湖南版创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练 Module 10 Units 1~2Ⅰ.填词 Most people know that they will feel homesick when they go to live in another country,but many people do not think about the cultural adjustment or changes they will have to make.When people go to another country to study,work,or live,they have to adjust to many differences.They have to change the way they eat,dress,travel,talk,and even think. Adjusting to the new culture and becoming comfortable in it takes time.Kalvero Oberg,a researcher,has found that most people go through similar stages of cultural adjustment although the stages are longer or shorter for different people.These stages are called the “Honeymoon Period”,“Culture Shock”,“Initial Adjustment”,“Mental Isolation”,and“Acceptance and Integration”.Each stage has certain characteristics. In the first stage,the newcomers enjoy the new culture.All the new experiences are exciting for them. In the second stage,they begin to feel homesick and suffer other problems of cultural adjustment.They feel lonely or sad.Everyday life seems filled with problems.Simple activities like making a phone call,paying a bill,traveling to work or school,or shopping seem filled with problems.The newcomers feel completely exhausted.They are too tired to think or even do anything. In the third stage,the newcomers begin to adjust and life seems easier. In the fourth stage,the newcomers realize that they still miss their own culture,especially their family and friends.They may not yet be able to communicate easily in the new culture.Feelings of isolation and loneliness return.The newcomers may feel like an island.unconnected to the people and culture around them. In the final stage,the newcomers accept the difficulties and problems of everyday life.They accept the culture and people around them and establish a daily routine.Then they find that they have adjusted to their new life and enjoy their new friends and life. Title:Life in__1__ Stages of cultural adjustment The newcomers’__2_



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