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中 国 海 洋 大 学 命 题 专 用 纸(首页) 2007-2008学年第2学期 试题名称 :环境科学概论A 共 6 页 第 1 页 专业年级 学号 姓名 授课教师分数 平时成绩(30%)___ 总分_________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 得分 一 - - 二 - - - - - - - - 三 四 - - 五 - - 六 - - - - - - - - - 一、专业名词选择题(10分/每题1分,根据英文解释将对应名词的编号[A-R]填入方括号内) 1. [ ]The deposition of wet acidic solutions or dry acidic particles from the air. 2. [ ]The discovery of techniques for domesticating animals and cultivating crop plants some 10,000 years ago. 3. [ ]The selective absorption and concentration of molecules by cells. 4. [ ]The maximum number of individuals of any species that can be supported by a particular ecosystem on a long-term basis. 5. [ ]Denuding and degrading a once-fertile land, initiating a desert-producing cycle that feeds on itself and causes long-term changes in soil, climate, and biota of an area. 6. [ ]The zone of air, land, and water at the surface of the earth that is occupied by organisms. 7. [ ]A potential for increased population growth as young members reach reproductive age. 8. [ ]Dramatically increased agricultural production brought about by miracle strains of grain; usually requires high inputs of water, plant nutrients, and pesticides. 9. [ ]Uses pipe or tubing perforated with very small holes to deliver water one drop at a time directly to the soil around each plant. ⒑[ ]A standard test for measuring the amount of dissolved oxygen utilized by aquatic microorganisms over a five-day period. (A) acid precipitation (B) agricultural revolution (C) bioaccumulation (D) biogas (E) biological oxygen demand (F) biosphere (G) carrying capacity (H) demographic transition (I) desalinization (J) desertification (K) drip irrigation (L) green revolution (M) natural gas (N) nitrification (O) photovoltaic cell (P)


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