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I study, I strive, I succeed! 让步状语从句 比较状语从句 让步状语从句 Lead-in We wont lose heart ______ we fail ten times. A. since B. until C. though D. unless C. though 即使,尽管 though 引导的是让步状语从句。 我们就算失败十次也不泄气。 一. 什么是让步状语从句? 二. 让步状语从句常见引导词 三. 补充的其它引导词 一.什么是让步状语从句? 在复合句中充当让步状语的句子。 二.让步状语从句常见引导词 though/although even if/even though though/although 虽然 Though / Although he is quite old, he still jogs every day. =He still jogs every day though/although he is quite old. =His is quite old, but he still jogs every day. 虽然他年纪相当大了, 但仍然每天跑步。 Though/Although it was snowing, it was not cold. =It was not cold though/although it was snowing. =It was snowing, but it was not cold. 虽然下着雪,但并不冷。 Practice Although it’s raining, they are still working in the field.  虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。 Though he is very old, he still works very hard.  虽然他很老,但仍然努力地工作。 True or False? Though he looks weak, but he is healthy. False ★Though/although 不和but 连用。 He looks weak, but he is healthy. Though/Although he looks weak, he is healthy. Though/Although he looks weak, yet he is healthy. Though/Although he looks weak, still he is healthy. ★Though/although 不和but 连用, 但可与yet或still连用。 though/although…, (yet/still)… ★Though/although 不和but 连用, 但可与yet或still连用, 表强调。 Although/Though he has a lot of money, yet/still he is unhappy. (he is still unhappy.) 他虽然有很多钱,但并不幸福。 though or although? _____ he is young, he knows a lot. A. Though B. If C. Unless D. Although Answer: A, D 尽管他年幼,他懂得很多。 Young ____he is, he knows a lot. A. though B. if C. unless D. although Answer: A ★Though可倒装,although不能倒装 though在此时可换成as Young as he is, he knows a lot. (正式用法,常见于文学作品中) though or although? ★though引导让步状语从句时可以倒装(表强调),可以和as 互换,而although从句则不能。 他虽然很富有,但是并不快乐。 Although/though he is rich, he is unhappy. 强调一下: Rich though he is, he is unhappy. Rich as he is, he is unhappy. 他虽然是个小孩,但他知道什么是对什么是错。 Although/though he is a child, he knows what is right and what is wrong. Child though/as he is, he knows what is right and


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