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无助的 有用的,有益的 无用的 欢呼声,喝彩声 希望 意思 味道,品味 兴高采烈 多彩的 票,入场券 留着,不退还 广场 1. There is much __________ (交通) on the road because tomorrow will be National Day. 2. --When did they ______ (到达)? --At 6:00 a.m. 3. Did you see any places of ____________ (名胜) in the city? 4. The trip to the hill was really _________ (bore). 5. These models always made the students ____________ (amaze). 6. It was lucky that they did not hurt ____________ (they) in the traffic accident. 7.They ____________ (邀请) us to their party and we really enjoyed ourselves. 8. We have friends from all over the ____________ (世界) now. 9. Look, the sun is shining in a ____________ (晴朗的) blue sky. 10. My friends have a good time ____________ (talk) to each other on Sundays. 11. You ____________ (get) good grades if you study hard. 12. Do you enjoy ____________ (listen) to pop music? Yes, I do. 13. The ____________ (主要的) idea of the article is to tell us the importance of saving and protecting the water. 14. The boy often spends the w____________ night on a difficult maths problem. 15. Can you make a home _____________ (主页)? 16. ____________ (最后), they won the football match. 17. I think the ___________ (旅程) to Nanjing is very exciting. 18. When you travel in a foreign country, you can also learn its ____________ (文化). 19.My cousin fell off his bike. ____________ (幸运的是), he didn’t hurt himself. 20.I finished the hard work all by __________ (我自己). I didn’t ask anyone for help. 21.--All these boys are good ____________ (登山者). I’m very glad to hear it. 22.. Don’t ____________ (拉) the door. You should push it like this. 23. He doesn’t work so ____________ (hard) as his sister. 24. Kate, you’d better ask the teacher ____________ (you). OK, I will. 25. Please help ____________ (you) to some apples, children. 26. Dont climb the ___________ (岩石). It’s dangerous. 27. The computer will restart by ___________ (它自己) in a few seconds. 29. Thank you for ___________ (invite) me to your home. 30. The teacher’s words make everyone _


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