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Unit4 Road safety The 1st period 月 日 教学内容:Story time 教学目标: 1.在情景中整体理解Story time的内容。 2.在 Story time的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow, 体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe ,名词safety及副词safely的不同。 3.能用正确的语音语调朗读Story time。 4.能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。 5.能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。 教学重点: 1.能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。 2.在Story time的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,must,safety,safely。 教学难点: 体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe,名词safety及副词safely的不同。 2.能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。 教学过程: 一、预学案: 1. 听、跟读 “Story time”,圈画生词、词组,尝试理解课文内容。 二、导学案 Step1 Free talk: Were you happy at Chinese New Year? Did you go to streets during Chinese New Year? What did you see in the streets? Step2检查预学 小组内合作检查书本P36-37下方图片单词,并展示。 Step3导学一 Watch the cartoon and think about the question: How can we cross the road safely? Step4导学二 Read the passage at Page 36 and complete the sentences: (同桌朗读讨论P36课文,完成句子。) First,____________________________________________. Then,_____________________________________________. 2.学习must, mustn’t,并讨论图片。 Step5 导学三 Learn the second part in groups.(小组合作自学课文第二部分) Read this part, find,underline and try to understand the new words and new phrases. (小组内读课文,找出新单词,新词组,在下面画线,尝试理解。) 2.小组讨论,并完成表格。 If(如果) there’s no zebra crossing Wait on the ____________. Look out for _________ and _________. First look ______,then ______and then ______again. Cross the road with _________ _______. Step6 导学四 Talk about the pictures. (小组讨论交流最后一幅图) 1.What are the children doing? Are they right? Why? 2.What will you say to them? 三、巩固案: 活动一、Think and write (书Page38) 活动二、Look and say(书Page38 )(同桌讨论交流) 四、实践案: 1.当一当交警,说一说道路安全的有关注意事项。(小组讨论交流) 2.回顾形容词和副词的区别,填一填。 safe/safely (1)It’s ________ now.We can cross the road ________. (2)To keep ________,you must walk slowly. (3)How can you cross them ________? (4)We must follow the traffic rules and stay _____


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