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郑州大学西亚斯国际学院 本科毕业论文 题 目 河南省农业保险服务 新型农业经营主体研究 河南省农业保险服务新型农业经营主体研究 摘 要 我国新型农业经营主体随着经济的发展也在不断发展,也需不断借鉴国外一些发展比较早且经营好的新型农业。中央对河南省也逐渐开放政策来鼓励开展新型农业的经营,河南省新型农业的经营属于初期探索阶段,也面领着许多风险包括:土地流转制度不完善面临的风险、自然资源稀缺使农户无法大规模实行进行农业经营所面临的风险、融资风险以及新型农业经营者最低收入保障风险等。这些风险需要河南省农业保险来给予保障,但河南省农业保险还没有就新型农业经营做出更好地服务对策。本篇论文就河南省农业保险服务于新型农业经营主体提出我自己的一些想法,包括新型农业保险、“银行保险”、综合农业保险以及最低收入保障等想法。 关键词:新型农业经营主体/农业保险/土地流转/最低收入保障 THE RESEARCH OF AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE SERVICES FOR THE NEW PRINCIPAL OF AGRICULTURAL FARMING IN HENAN PROVINCE ABSTRACT Chinas new agricultural business entities with economic development is also growing, but also need to constantly learn from some of the earlier development of foreign business and good new agriculture. Central Henan province is gradually opening up of new policies to encourage business in agriculture, new agricultural management in Henan province belonging to the early stage of exploration, but also led many face risks include: land transfer system is imperfect, the risks, the scarcity of natural resources so that farmers can not large-scale implementation of the risk faced by agricultural operations, financing risks, and new agricultural operators MGI risks. These risks need to be given to the protection of agricultural insurance in Henan, Henan Province agricultural insurance but do not make it a new type of agricultural operation to better serve countermeasures. This paper on agriculture in Henan Province in the new agricultural insurance services business entities to make some of my own ideas, including new agricultural insurance, bank insurance, agribusiness insurance and minimum income guarantee and other ideas. Keywords: New agricultural business entities /Agriculture Insurance / Land transfer / Minimum income guarantee 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 前言 1 第一章 新型农业经营主体概述 2 第一节 新型农业经营主体内涵与种类 2 第二节 中外新型农业经营主体的比较 3 一、 我国新型农业经营主体与欧美国家的比较 3 二、 我国新型农业经营主体与日本的比较 4



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