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毕 业 论 文
题 目: 基于排队论的超市收银系统优化
2015年 6 月 5 日
本文针对JX超市御景蓝湾店的收银排队服务系统进行改进优化。首先对排队论等相关理论知识进行了介绍,对多服务台等待的M/M/n/∞/∞排队论模型进行了描述。其次调研了JX超市顾客到达时间和顾客服务时间的数据,并对原始数据带入排队论模型进行分析,计算出了所需的目标参数,确定了工作日和节假日各时段JX超市开放收银台的最佳数量。然后运用仿真模拟软件Flexsim 对收银排队服务系统进行了仿真模拟论证了优化出的收银台开放数量的可行性。并且在此基础上对收银的基本流程进行了优化,并且改进了收银台周边物品摆放不合理的问题,最后对JX超市提出了发展意见。
关键词: 超市收银 排队论 仿真 优化
Title Supermarket cashier system optimization based on queuing theory
The 21st century, large supermarket replaced the traditional life supplies sales model walked into our life, brings us great convenience. But because of Chinas supermarket industry development is not mature enough, a variety of reasons caused the supermarket line crowded phenomenon, often there will be a customer queue is too long or spare time a lot of problems.
Aiming at JX royal blue bay scene store supermarket cashier line up to improve the service system optimization. First, the queuing theory and related theory knowledge, the more the front desk waiting for M/M/n/up/up queuing theory model are described. Secondly research for JX supermarket customer arrival time and customer service time of data, and analyze the raw data into the queuing theory model, calculate the required target parameter, in each period to determine the working days and holidays the optimal number of JX supermarket open the cash register. Then using the simulation software Flexsim cashier line service system for the simulation demonstrate the feasibility of optimization of open the register number. And on this basis, the basic process of cashier is optimized, the last of JX supermarket development Suggestions are put forward.
Keywords:Supermarket cashier
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