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熊猫被猎狗追赶 A rare red panda was rescued after a scrappy local dog chased it up a tree on a farm in Sichuan Province. 近日,一只稀有的红熊猫在四川省一农场被当地一只好斗的狗追赶爬上了树,随后获救。 Villagers in Xiaojin county found the petrified creature clinging to the top of a fruit tree while the dog barked below. 小金县的村民在果树的顶端发现了这只惊慌的动物,而那只狗则在树下咆哮。 A group managed to chase off the dog and, not wanting to risk injury from approaching the frazzled mammal, notified police. 不想因接近这只暴躁的狗而受伤,一群人设法将狗赶走,并且通知了当地警方。 小熊猫被猎狗追赶 吓得爬上树不敢下来 Authorities from the Xiaojin Forestry Bureau captured the stranded panda using a looped rope. It was later released into the surrounding wilds, media reported. 小金县森林公安局的警察使用环状的绳索将被困的红熊猫救下。据媒体报道,它随后被放归自然。 Native to areas of Southwest China and the Eastern Himalayas, the nocturnal animal is slightly larger than a cat, has distinctive reddish-brown fur and a ringed tail. 红熊猫原产于中国西南地区和喜马拉雅东部地区,这种夜行动物比猫大一点,具有独特的红棕色毛皮和环尾。 There are fewer than 10,000 red pandas left in the world, according to a report by the World Wildlife Fund. It is listed as a second-class protected animal in China. 根据世界野生动物基金会的一份报告,世界上只剩下不到一万只红熊猫。它在中国被列为国家二级保护动物。 Olympic history could be rewritten as International Olympic Committee (IOC) officials have re-tested urine samples from the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games and found more than 75 athletes to be guilty of doping. 国际奥委会官员近日对2008和2012年奥运会的尿样进行重新检测,发现超过75名运动员涉药,这一发现或导致奥运史被改写。 Most of the athletes are from Russia and other Eastern European countries. At least 40 won medals. 这些违规运动员大多来自俄罗斯和其他东欧国家。至少有40人当时获得了奖牌。 The number will go up as disciplinary proceedings continue. 随着纪律审查程序的进行,预计人数还将攀升。 The IOC has so far stripped 28 Olympians of their medals and re-awarded them to others. 截至目前,国际奥委会已剥夺了28名运动员的奖牌并将其重新颁发给其他运动员。 大批奥运奖牌获得者 因涉药被取消成绩 "This completely rewrote my Olympics story," said Chaunte Lowe, an American high jumper who participated in four Summer Games but had never won a medal but now will receive a bronze medal for the 2008 Olympics. 美国跳高运动员查恩特·洛维说道:“这完全改


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