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目 录 引言 3 1 工艺分析和工艺方案确定 5 1.1冲压模的分类和结构型式 5 1.2冲模设计的步骤和内容 6 1.3设计任务 7 1.4工艺性分析 8 1.5工艺方案的分析和确定 9 1.6模具类型 9 2 级进模总体结构设计 10 2.1级进模总体结构方案 10 2.2排样设计 10 2.3冲裁力和压力中心计算 13 2.4确定模具压力中心 15 2.5压力机选择 16 2.6冲模刃口尺寸及公差计算 16 3 模具总体结构设计 2 3.1选择坚固件及定位零件 2 3.2出件和卸料方式的选择 2 3.3模架类型的选择 2 3.4模柄 23 3.5导向零件和紧固件的选择 2 4 级进模零件设计 2 4.1工作零件的结构设计 4.2导向零件和紧固件的选择 4.3选择坚固件及定位零件 5 模具主要零件加工工艺规程的编制 5.1凸模加工工艺规程的编制 3 5.2落料凹模加工工艺规程的编制 3 6 三维建模研究 3 6.1 建模软件CAD介绍 3 6.2三维建模 3 结论 3 致谢 3 参考文献 3 摘 要 模具通过对该模具零件的设计,解决冲压工艺本课题的内容包括排样设计、凸模设计、凹模设计、冲裁力计算、冲压机构的选择、压力中心的确定各个部分 关键词: 模具设计冲压;模bstract Mould in the development of modern industry has a pivotal position, we present the reason to fullness, and mould industry has a close contact. Because the mould industry contributes to the progress and development of the whole industry. By the time of the mould design and further develop and I want flexibility in the use of various disciplines of knowledge, with an open mind to learn an apply the theoretical knowledge to solve the practical problems encountered in the life. Punching is a kind of pressure process method that punching dies are used in press sheet to put pressure on the plastic deformation or separation, for a certain shape and size of components. The design of this course is plate stamping process and mould design, whose material is number 08 F, .two working procedures are carried out to achieve it. Procedure one is to cutting the working material; procedure two is to punch holes. two procedure adopt punched hole and cutting the working material. a good solution to the conventional stamp out the process design molds in its roots, the cost of production and high efficiency is lower, the actual production of a guiding role. The contents of this paper include progressive die and bending die row sample design, mould design , cutting force calculation , selection of punching mechanism , a pressure center, and carefully calculated whether or not to meet the requirements of the various part



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