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摘 要
随着市场经济的迅猛发展,市场竞争也日益激烈,多种经济成分的并存导致现代企业面临的经济环境复杂化。加之2007年下半年席卷全球的金融危机,各个行业所面临的经济环境便更加复杂化。这里就不得不提到赊销,它作为企业促销的重要手段,越来越被广大企业所采用。但从另一个角度看,赊销也增加了企业资产的风险,特别是现在拖欠企业账款现象较多,收回款项的难度也越来越大,还有很多应收账款“名存实亡”,呆账、坏账有增无减,这均影响到企业的正常生产经营,也可能会制约企业未来的发展。因此,本文结合山东莱芜银河纺织集团股份有限公司应收账款余额占流动资产比重大、账龄过长、周转率低以及出现呆账坏账等实际情况,从企业缺乏风险意识,盲目赊销、未对应收账款按风险程度进行分类管理、市场调查不到位、对应收账款管理各部门责任不清、内部控制存在缺陷等应收账款的成因进行分析,并相应地从建立全面的信用风险防范制度、逾期欠款按风险程度进行ABC 分类管理、科学的确定赊销时间底线、强化内部控制制度,健全企业应收账款的监督管理机制、建立必要合理的信用管理组织机构等方面提出了一些关于该公司加强应收账款管理的措施。
关键词: 银河纺织集团股份有限公司; 应收账款; 问题; 分析; 对策
With the rapid development of market economy, market competition is increasingly fierce, the coexistence of a variety of economic sectors leading to the modern enterprises economic situation is complicated. In addition, the second half of 2007 financial crisis sweeping the globe, all sectors of the economic environment facing the even more complicated. Mentioned here will have to credit it as an important means of corporate marketing, is increasingly being adopted by a large number of enterprises. But from another perspective, also increased the credit risk of corporate assets, especially corporate accounts in arrears is now more difficult to recover the money increasing, there are a lot of accounts receivable exists in name only bad debts, increase in bad debts, which are affecting the normal production and operation, may also restrict the future development of enterprises. Therefore, this paper, Laiwu, Shandong Textile Group Co., Ltd. Galaxy accounts receivable balance of liquid assets accounted for more than a major, long aging, the low turnover rate and the emergence of the actual situation, such as doubtful debts, the lack of risk awareness from the enterprise, blind credit, did not correspond to accounts receivable classified by the degree of risk management, market research in place, management of accounts receivable departments and unclear responsibilities, internal control weaknesses, such as accounts receivable analysi
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