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南通农业职业技术学院 毕业论文(设计) 课题名称 园林树木养护管理技术研究 所在分院 园林园艺系 专业及班级 设园3111 学号 1151301116 姓名 武静 指导老师 2014年 3月1 日 园林树木养护管理技术研究 摘要 园林树木是构成我们这个世界的基本元素。自古以来,树木一直和人们共存。园林树木是适用于城市园林绿地及风景区栽植应用的木本植物,包括各种乔木、灌木和木质藤本。它是一个城市的形象及标签,对促进社会的可持续发展起重要作用。想要获得理想的园林绿化景观效果,园林绿化施工和养护过程中科学的养护和管理工作非常重要。只有精心养护有命的植物,才能保持现有的绿化效果。为了使各个阶段的植物的生长都有适宜的生长条件,做好长期的园林树木养护管理,必须要做到两个方面,一是养护,二是管理。并且制定合理的技术标准和操作指标,使养护管理工作目标明确,措施有力,以保证园林树木的正常生长,这样才能更到位的做好城市绿化的发展工作。 关键词: 园林树木 城市 发展 养护 The technology of maintenance of landscape trees Abstract Garden trees are constituting the basic elements of our world.Since the ancient times ,trees have been coexist with people .Garden trees are suitable for urban landscape green space and scenic spot application of woody plants ,planting includes a variety of trees ,shrubs and woody vines .It is a city?s image and label ,play an important role to promote the sustainable development of society .Want to get ideal effect of botanical garden afforestation landscape ,landscape construction and maintenance in the process of scientific maintenance and management works is very important .Only careful maintenance has a life of plants ,to maintain the existing greening effect .In order to make the various stages of the plant?s growth has the suitable growth conditions ,the long-term landscape plants and maintenance management ,must be to do two aspects ,one is the maintenance ,the second is management .And formulate reasonable technical standards and operational indicators ,make the maintenance and management of specific goals ,forceful measures ,to ensure the normal growth of landscape trees ,such ability more in place to do a good job of the development of urban greening. Key words: Garden trees city development maintenance 目 录 引言 园林树木对人类生活和发展的重要性 2.1植物对环境的美化 2.2生态价值 2.3经济价值 2.4改善环境 3 园林树木养护管理的重要性 4 园林树木养护管理中存在的问题 4.1没有创新,缺乏新意 4.2病虫害发生严重 4.3管理方法技术含量低,手段单一 5 园林树木养护管理的要点 5.1灌溉 5.2排水 5.3施肥 5.4中耕和除草 5.5抹芽去萌与整形



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