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摘 要 本设计是厦门市夏融大酒店深基坑支护与施工的设计。拟建场区属于平缓低丘地貌,该场地内土层较为简单,笼阔分为四层土,基坑矩形施工面积为1500平方米,基坑东西方向50米,南北方向30米,开挖深度为7米,地下水位按0.9米计算。 结合本工程地质、周边环境、以及开挖深度等因素确定安全可靠的基坑支护类型。本设计分为两部分进行设计,即BC、CD段和AB、AD段,采用钻孔灌注桩的基坑开挖深度为7米,桩长分别为12米和11.5米。另外用锚杆作为支撑作用体系,同时本设计由于地下水位较浅,还要采用井点降水方法进行降水,并进行基坑监测以保证工程的顺利进行。 关键词:深基坑支护;钻孔灌注桩;锚杆支撑;基坑监测方案;井点降水 Abstract This design is the design of the deep foundation pit supporting and the construction of the Le Grand Large Hotel in Xiamen city.Proposed field belong to the gentle low hilly, within the site soil is simple, cage broad points for four layer of soil, rectangular excavation construction area of 1500 square meters, 50 meters east-west direction of foundation pit, 30 meters north-south direction, excavation depth of 7 meters, underground water level is calculated for 0.9 meters. Combined with the engineering geology, the surrounding environment, and the excavation depth and other factors to determine the safe and reliable foundation pit supporting type. This design is divided into two parts, namely BC, CD section and AB, AD segment, the excavation depth of the foundation pit is 7 meters, the length of the pile is 12 meters and 11.5 meters respectively.. Also with a bolt as a support system, also the design because of the shallow underground water level, but also by well point dewatering method of precipitation, and foundation pit monitoring to ensure the project is carried out smoothly. Keywords: deep foundation pit support, bored piles, anchor support, foundation pit monitoring, well point precipitation 目 录 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1问题的提出 1 1.2研究状况 1 1.3研究的目的与意义 1 1.4本设计的主要工作和设计思路 1 1.4.1计算内容 2 1.4.2设计内容 2 1.4.3设计思路 2 第二章 原始资料 3 2.1 工程概况 3 2.1.1 基坑周边环境 3 2.1.2基坑侧壁安全等级及重要性系数 3 2.2 地质资料 3 2.2.1 岩土层分布特征 3 2.2.2场地地下水概况 4 第三章 支护体系方案的选择 5 3.1支护体系的组成 5 3.2 计算区段的划分 7 3.3 方案确定 7 3.3.1土钉墙加放坡支护方案 7 9 4.1 BC,CD断面围护结构设计与计算 9 4.1.1BC,CD 地质参数计算 9 4.1.2计算方法 9 4.1.3土压力计算 9 4.1.4土压力系数的计算 10 4.1.5 BC,CD段侧向土压力计算: 11


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