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毕业设计(论文) 题目: 儿童反锁汽车内报警器的设计 课题类型: 设计 实验研究( 论文( 学生姓名: 马明明 学 号: 312107020223 专业班级: 电子信息工程2122班 学 院: 信息工程系 指导教师: 郎璐红 提交时间: 2016年4月24日 儿童反锁汽车内报警器的设计 摘 要 随着经济的快速发展,汽车已经进入千家万户。我们在享受汽车带来方便的同时不能忽略了汽车存在的一些安全问题。近些年来,由于一些驾驶员的粗心,下车后会把儿童长时间遗忘在车内,对孩子的身心造成伤害。本课题用AT89C51单片机作为主要控制芯片,当驾驶员下车车门锁死后,应用被动红外探测器自动检测是否有儿童在车内,如果车内有儿童,则利用无线通信模块发送报警信号给驾驶员。 在设计本课题的时候,我觉得AT89C51单片机虽然是最基础的单片机,但是它的功能也很强大,基本的实现了要完成的工作。被动式红外探测器是根据人体有恒定的体温,与周围环境温度存在差别,这种差别的变化通过菲涅尔透镜被热释电传感器检测到,从而输出报警信号。被动式红外探测器多用在家庭防盗等方面。 该设计主要由传感器模块、控制电路模块以及无线通信模块三部分组成。本设计涉及到的热成像技术、传感器技术都已经发展成熟,实践证明其具有很高的可靠性。同时,该系统从多个角度出发,充分考虑可能引发事故的各种因素,确保儿童不会被长时间单独留在车内,保证儿童的安全。 关键词:报警器;单片机;红外探测器;无线通信模块 The Design of Children Locked in A Car Alarm Abstract With the rapid development of economy, the car has entered innumberable families.We are enjoying cars bring convenient at the same time cant ignore some security problems of the car. In recent years, due to some of the drivers carelessness, get off after the children for a long time to forget in the car, to the childs physical and mental damage. This topic using AT89C51 single chip microcomputer as main control chip, when the driver out of the car door lock, application of passive infrared detectors automatically detect whether there are children in the car, if the car has children, with the wireless communication module to send alarm signal to the driver. In the design of this topic, I think although AT89C51 is the foundation of single chip microcomputer, but its function is very strong also, basic implementation of the work to be done. Passive infrared detector is based on the human body has a constant body temperature, temperature difference exists with the surrounding environment, the change of the difference by Fresnel lens has been detected by the pyroelectric sensor, thus t


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