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基于交通静化理论的威海市环海路部分路段的优化设计 摘要 道路作为城市交通的主要承担者,随着时间的推移,社会的发展已建成的道路往往无法满足逐渐增长的交通需求有时甚至无法满足最基本的交通安全方面的需求,此时就需要对道路进行优化设计以满足要求。 本文以威海市这一旅游城市为着眼点,选取了旅游城市中具有代表性的旅游道路之一的环海路进行优化设计。同时使用了十分适合于该种优化设计得交通静化理论作为指导。由于交通静化理论在国内研究依旧处于萌芽阶段,对其的实际应用更是空白,所以本文实际上应用非传统交通理论解决现实问题的一次创新的尝试。 本文首先对交通静化理论做了一个简单的介绍,并结合威海市的城市特性以及环海路作为旅游道路的特性说明了使用交通静化理论作为理论指导对威海市环海路进行优化设计是合理且十分适合的,然后对环海路所选路段沿线进行的调查结果入手分析了路段沿途所存在的问题说明了对环海路进行优化设计的必要性。选取具有代表性的路段、交叉口等以交通进化理论为指导做出了实际的优化设计。使用Synchro软件对进行了优化设计的路段进行了软件仿真模拟。对软件仿真的结果进行了分析,证实了优化设计方案的合理性。 关键词 优化设计;交通静化;仿真模拟 RESEARCH ON WEIHAI PUBLIC TRANSIT TRANSFER ORGANIZATION UNDER THE ADJACENT MATRIX Abstract Public transit transfer system is the important composition of the passenger transport system and is the guarantee of the city transport priority, the key to the integration, which is significant for the perfection of the city structure and rationalization of land use. The research starts analyzing the frame of the change system of urban public passengertransport, decomposing the system network, and analyzing its domestic and foreign research. The paper Points out it is great urgent to solve the public transportation contradiction and forming the rational transportation structure must be well synthesized by many aspects. At first, this text expound the problems facing urban transport, it is proposed that the necessity of the city public transit transfer system optimization. In a wide range of survey data, information on bus transfer organizations on the status quo at home and abroad, research and analysis of Weihai City, public transport on the basis of the status quo, bus transfer method of comparison, the choice of the adjacent matrix method to study the Weihai city public transit organizations. The City of Weihai traffic through the network of selected sites are important transfer write adjacent matrix and projections. Operational results of the use of the existing public transit system needed to the transfer number, then take time, travel costs, trip distan


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