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二 〇 一 五 年 六 月 摘 要 随着中国市场经济的不断发展和资本市场的渐渐开放,财务分析在投资决策、经营管理中的作用日益凸显,和每个人的生活越来越息息相关。报表不是仅仅提供给企业领导看的东西,而是为了众多的想要了解企业财务状况的人们服务的。人们的日常生活中,无论是办公室还是股票市场,或者是个体户自己做生意,大家都会与金钱打交道,都能看到财务报表的影子。财务报表包含的信息具有专业性和高度概括性的特点,为了能够使深入体会报表财务信息背后的经营状况,了解企业管理层质量、战略方案实施的成效,企业财务报表分析这门科学倍受关注。 本文在相关理论概述的基础之上,采用了理论和实践结合的研究办法,针对所选择的研究对象—金杯汽车股份有限公司近三年之际的财务报告,运用报表分析法,以传统报表分析方法为基础,将财务比率分析、例如一汽夏利和长安汽车这两个企业比较分析与财务状况质量具体分析相结合,利用公司具体财务情形公司的财务情形和公司经济 关键词:财务报表;财务报表分析;金杯汽车 Abstract With the continuous development of Chinas market economy and capital market gradually opening up, the role of financial analysis in investment decision-making, operation and management, growing, and everyones life more and more closely linked. Report not only provides business leaders see things, but for many people want to know the conditions of enterprise financial services. Peoples Daily life, both in office and the stock market, or to do business is self-employed, you will be dealing with money, you can see the shadow of the financial statements. The information contained in financial statements with the characteristics of a professional and high generalization in order to be able to make in-depth experience report financial information behind the operating conditions, to understand the effectiveness of the quality of enterprise management, strategic plan implementation enterprise financial statement analysis is paid close attention to the science. In this paper, on the basis of related theories overview, adopted the combination of theory and practice research method, study of the selected object - jinbei automobile co., LTD., as nearly three years of financial report, report analysis, on the basis of traditional statement analysis method, the financial ratio analysis, such as faw xiali and changan comparative analysis of these two enterprises and the financial condition quality concrete analysis, the combination of using specific financial outcome quality related situation, analyze the ratio of


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