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论文编号: 拒不执行错误的判决、裁定是否构成犯罪 -以刑法的价值为视角 摘 要 拒不执行判决、裁定罪的犯罪对象是否包括错误的判决、裁定(本文所称的错误判决、裁定特指在对行为人定罪量刑时无瑕疵但后来被认定为有瑕疵的判决、裁定),这在我国刑法理论界存在很大争议:有人认为应当包括错误的裁判,否则司法权威和法治秩序就会面临明显而即刻的危险;有人认为,不应当包括错误的裁判,因为错误的裁判 从实质上而言不具有合法性。 本文共由三部分组成:第一部分,以一个案例导入,找出产生以上争议的根源不在于刑法解释的立场的不同,而在于刑法价值观念的不同。第二部分,对我国刑法理论界有关刑法价值的探讨进行简要梳理,并对刑法的正当性和刑法的谦抑性进行重点论述。第三部分,以上部分的体系,结合拒不执行判决、裁定罪在司法实践中的具体适用情况,来论证认定拒不执行错误的判决、裁定构成犯罪并不违反刑法的公正性和谦抑性。 关键词:刑法解释 刑法价值 构成犯罪 DOES REFUSING TO EXECUTE THE WRONG JUDGMENTS OR ORDERS CONSTITUTE A CRIMININAL OFFENCE -FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE VALUE OF CRIMINAL LAW ABSTRACT Does the object of refusing to execute the judgments or orders include the wrong judgments or orders(in this paper, the wrong judgments or orders refer to the judgments or orders, which are right when suspects are sued but are confirmed wrong later) ? In our country, there is a big controversy in the field of criminal law: some people think that the wrong judgments or orders should be included, or judicial authority and the order of law will face a clear and immediate danger; some people say that because the wrong judgments or orders are not legitimate in essence, so they should not be included. This paper consists of three parts :in part one, beginning with a case, I will point that the source of above controversy lies in the different value ??of criminal law not in the position of interpretation of criminal law . In part two, the system of values ??of criminal law will be arranged, and the legitimacy and tolerance of the criminal law are to be mainly discussed. In part three, I will prove that identifying refusing to execute the wrong judgments or orders as a criminal offence does not violate the legitimacy and tolerance of criminal law, through the judicial practice. KEY WORDS: interpretation of criminal law the value ??of criminal law constitute a criminal offence 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT I 引 言 I 第一章 问题的提出及我国刑法理论对此问题的回应 1 一、案例的引入及问题的提出 1 二、不同解释主体得出不同解释结论的根源 2 (一)刑


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