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论汉语思维方式在英文写作中的负迁移 On the negative transfer of Chinese thinking modes to English writing 摘要 本次拟对中国式的思维方式在英语写作中的负迁移作用进行探讨。东方讲究感性思维,西方注重理性思维。反映在写作上,中国人的主题思想犹抱琵琶半遮面,而西方人往往直抒胸臆。中国人的思维方式表现在英文写作上往往成为学习过程中的负迁移。 本文作者收集了大量的中国学生的英文写作语料,整理分析后,确实发现了很多由于思维方式的差异所引起的问题。首先感性思维方式导致文章重点不明确,直觉顿悟和推理的前提隐含造成文章连贯性差,结构松散。而且,这种负迁移还表现在词汇、句法、以及词语搭配等方面。本文将详细阐述中英写作中东西思维方式的各种差异,包括中国的意合,西方的形合等,以期在英文写作中可以有意识地避免汉语的干扰作用。最后,作者给出了培养英文思维方式的一些方法。 关键词: 思维方式, 负迁移, 意合, 形合 Abstract The present paper aims to conduct a tentative research into the negative transfer of Chinese thinking modes to English writing. The Asians embrace a holistic approach, whereas the westerners hold an analytical one. With the differences reflected on writing, Chinese imply something between the lines, while western people tend to directly and clearly present their opinions in a strongly logical order. The paper firstly explores a lot of writing corpus colleted by the author, in an attempt to trace the impact of Chinese way of thinking on English writing. By examining thoroughly the writing samples, it can be found that holistic approach of Chinese produces the problem of being unfocused, and intuitive perception and implicitness of the premise of reasoning causes the writing to be lacking coherence and loose in structure. The negative transfer of Chinese thinking modes is also reflected on lexical, syntactic and collocation levels. Then, the differentiation between Chinese thinking modes and western ones and that between Chinese writing and English writing including oriental parataxis and western hypotaxis are presented in detail. Finally, to foster a way of thinking closer to that of English some possible solutions are located and evaluated. Key words: thinking mode, negative transfer, hypotaxis, parataxis 论汉语思维方式在英文写作中的负迁移 目前,很多中国学生在英文写作中使用汉语构思和谋篇布局,而且,在措辞、句法等方面,随处可见汉语思维方式的影子,结果导致语言晦涩难懂。不少哲学家和语言学家认为,语言只是表情达意的一种手段,这种观点无形中抬高了思维的地位,也让我们英语教师开始思考语言背后思维的力量。 要写出符合英文习惯的文章,中国学生需要了解中西思维方式的差异并有效地避免母语对于目标语的负面作用,从支配语言的思维入手来解决问题。已经有很多的


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