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摘 要 随着时代的发展,在现代农机调配与决策管理系统中,如何方便快捷地为用户提供服务、提高机主农机的利用率等问题变得越来越突出。借助网络,在机主管理和农户之间建立一个交互的网络平台,将大大提高中小型农机部门的管理水平和现代化程度。 农机调配与决策管理系统是典型的信息管理系统。系统介绍了农机调配系统的开发过程,设计中遇到的问题及解决方法以及提高当前应用程序或系统开发进度和改善工作性能。利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统。 本次课程设计利用JSP开发工具和MYSQL数据库来开发这个农机调配管理系统。该系统要解决的农机部门所要解决的问题,可以满足农机管理部门基本要求,包括添加、管理等功能。该系统能根据农户的需求,快捷方便的为农户提供查询农田和添加农田信息等服务。 关键词:农机调配;jsp;数据库 Abstract With the development, deployment and decision-making in modern farm management system, how to quickly and easily provide users with services, improve the utilization of agricultural machines and other main issues become increasingly prominent. Through the network, in the owner-managed and farmers to establish an interaction between the network platform, will greatly enhance the management level of small and medium agricultural sector and the degree of modernization. Farm deployment with Decision Management System is a typical Information Management System. Introduced a system of farm deployment system development process, design problems and solutions, and improve the current application or system development progress and improve performance. The use of its various object-oriented development tools, first prototype application system in a short time, then, the initial prototype of the system needs to constantly revise and improve user satisfaction until the formation of a viable system. This course is designed to take advantage of JSP development tools and MYSQL database to develop the agricultural allocation management system. The system to solve the agricultural sector to solve the problem, to meet the basic requirements of agricultural management, including adding, management and other functions. The system according to the needs of farmers, for farmers to provide fast and convenient add query fields and farmland information and other services. Key words: farm machinery scheduling and allocating, jsp,Database 目录 1.绪论 1 1.1 选题背景与意义 1


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