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解读景观水体水质恶化的原因及治理 Interpretation of landscape water quality deterioration causes and governance 经过对全市几个公园内的景观水体调查研讨发现,招致景观水水质恶化的缘由有很多。总体上可分以下几种: Through to several parks in the city landscape water survey research found that there are many cause the cause of the landscape water quality deterioration. In general can be divided into the following kinds: 景观水的水源水质较差。普通景观水的水源主要来自三个方面:降水、地表水、中水。大局部日常补充水量以降水聚集为主,而周围聚集的降水把地表很多污染物都溶解在内,使得景观水源先天质量较差。 Landscape water water water quality is poorer. Ordinary landscape water source of water comes mainly from three aspects: the precipitation, surface water, and water. Big local mainly gather daily supplement water to precipitation, and precipitation dissolve the surface many pollutants are gathered around, make landscape water born poor quality. 四周污染源对其污染。景观水体污染物主要来源于周围小区内居民日常生活所排放生活污水、生活渣滓、建筑渣滓及其渗滤液、漂物和施工尘土等。特别是生活污水中含有大的有机污染物及氮、磷等植物营养物,植物营养物进入自然水体后将恶化水体水质,加速水体的富营养化过程,影响水面的应用。 Pollution sources around the pollution. Landscape water body pollution mainly comes from the surrounding neighborhood residents daily life in the discharge of sewage, life scum scum and its leachate and floating dust content and construction, etc. Especially sewage contains large organic pollutants and plant nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients, plant nutrients into the natural water body after the deteriorating water quality, accelerate the eutrophication of water body of the process, affect the water application. 水池防渗处置毁坏景观水生态系统。目大局部的人工湖由于思索到防渗等问题,湖底多为硬质底。关于需求泥土才干生长的水生植物而言,其种植、生长都会有诸多限制。很多水域由于防渗层铺设质量不过关,形成人工湖水流失过快,或管理过程中补水不及时。水生植物因干涸而生长不良以至枯死,既没有发挥净水作用又毁坏观景效果。 Water pond anti-seepage disposal of destruction of landscape ecological system. Orders, big local artificial lake think due to problems such as seepage control, the bottom is more hard. About the demand for talents growth of aquatic plants, soil its cultivation, growth will have limitations. Many waters due to seepage control layer paving quality closes nevertheless, form a a


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