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太原市城区土地利用效益评价浅析 摘要:当前我国正处在城市化、工业化加速发展时期,随着城市规模的迅速扩大导致建设用地迅速扩张甚至无序扩张,出现大量农用地,尤其是耕地被占用的状况。我国又面临着人口众多,土地资源相对不足的国情,一方面土地资源必须严格保护,另一方面土地需求增长迅速,矛盾日趋紧张。因此,合理利用每一寸土地,发挥土地的最大价值,是资源保护与经济增长协调发展,成为城市土地利用与管理的重要任务,这也是进行城市土地利用效益评价的目的和意义所在。 本文根据太原市城区土地利用现状和社会经济发展的实际情况,首先从经济效益、社会效益、生态效益三个方面的评价指标中选取多个指标建立评价指标体系,参照已有的分析模型和方法,得出太原市主城区六个分区的土地利用效益协调度,对太原市各区的土地利用效益和利用状况有一个基本了解,进而对提高土地利用效益的方法提出了一些浅显的间解。 Abstract The current our country is in urbanization, industrialization accelerating period, with the rapid expansion of city scale rapid expansion in construction land sprawl, even appear a large number of agricultural land, especially in the condition of cultivated land occupied. Our country is faced with a large population, relative shortage of land resources conditions, on the one hand must strictly to protect land resources, on the other hand, the rapid growth of the demand for land contradiction increasingly nervous., therefore, reasonable use of every inch of land, give play to the maximum value of land, is the coordinated development of resources protection and economic growth, become an important task of urban land use and management, which is for the purpose and meaning of urban land use efficiency evaluation. According to Taiyuan city land utilization present situation and the actual situation of the social and economic development, first of all, from the economic benefits, social benefits and ecological benefits in the three aspects of the evaluation index selected multiple indexes to establish evaluation index system, with reference to the analysis of the existing models and methods, it is concluded that the Taiyuan city six partition benefit coordination degree of land use, the land use efficiency and the use of Taiyuan city district condition have a basic understanding of, thereby to increase land use efficiency between method proposed some shallow solutions. 关键词:城市土地利用;效益评价;太原市 随着太原市经济建设的迅速发展和城市化进程的加快,城市建设对土地的需求与日俱增,而城市可利用土地却十分有


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