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摘  要 自美国次贷危机以来,中国的实体经济,尤其是对外贸易,受到了前所未有的冲击。我国对外贸易中所包含的技术含量低,附加值少,缺乏国际竞争力等问题也逐渐表现出来。面对此种情况,党中央在加快转变经济增长方式的政策中明确指出,要实现由依靠物质资源的消耗向依靠技术和知识的投入转变。 基于这样的背景,论文以中国对外贸易为主要研究对象。首先,根据商务部发布的分析数据,对中国对外贸易的发展现状进行大体上的概述。其次,运用技术扩散的基本原理,阐述了技术扩散对我国对外贸易的影响并对其机理进行分析。最后,根据上述分析所得的结果,再结合我国对外贸易的实际,提出运用技术扩散原理推进中国对外贸易的对策及建议。 科学技术是第一生产力,是转变我国经济发展方式的关键途径之一,它能提高我国的国家竞争力,改善我国对外贸易的环境和质量。然而,与发达国家相比,我国科学技术的水平较低、底子较薄,完全依赖与自主创新发展知识型经济是不太符合实际的。所以,在科学技术高速发展的今天,我国更应该充分利用发达国家的成功经验,通过国际贸易直接输入西方的先进技术。这样有利于减小我国的技术研发成本支出,也会大大缩短我国与欧美国家在科学技术水平上的差距,从而为我国经济实现跨越式发展打下坚实基础。 关键词:技术扩散,对外贸易,机理分析,对策建议 Technology diffusion on the influence of Chinas foreign trade Abstract Since the United States suffered from the financial crisis, Chinas economic entity, especially foreign trade, was unprecedented shock. Chinas foreign trade contain technical content is low, added value, the lack of international competitiveness less problems also gradually expression comes out. Facing this situation, the party central committee in accelerating changing the style of economic growth in the policies of explicitly pointed out that, to realize by relying on the consumption of material resources to rely on technology and knowledge input transformation. . Based on this background, this paper takes China’s foreign trade as the main research object. First of all, on the basis of the analysis of the data, which released to the development of China’s foreign trade status summary in general. Secondly, the basic principle of using technology diffusion, describes the technical diffusion on Chinas foreign trade influence and analysis of the mechanism. Finally, according to the above analysis, combining results of Chinas foreign trade, and puts forward the practical application of technology diffusion principle of Chinas foreign trade countermeasures and Suggestions. Science and technology is the first productivity and economic development of our country is to change the way one of the key ways, it can enhance our national competitiveness,


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