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Lesson 91 Three men in a basket 三人同篮 【New words and expressions】(5) balloon n. 气球 royal adj. 皇家 spy v. 侦察 track n. 轨迹,踪迹 binoculars n. 望远鏡 一.單詞講解: ★ balloon (1) n. 气球、輕氣球 hoist a balloon = raise a balloon 升起氣球 an observation balloon 觀測氣球 (2) n.(玩具的) 氣球 blow up balloon 吹氣球 ; eg:The balloon burst . 氣球爆炸了。 ★ royal (1) adj. 皇家的、皇室的 the Royal Navy 英國皇家海軍 (2) adj. 王的、王室的、女王的 a royal place 王宮 ; a royal family 王室 ; royal power 王權 (3)(口語)極好的、極佳的 a royal welcome 盛大的歡迎; a royal feast 盛宴 have a royal time 盡歡,玩得極為愉快 ★ spy (1) v. 侦察 spy on sth = spy upon sth = spy into sth 侦察某事物 eg:The police have been spying on the gang’s movements . 警方正在監視那團夥的動靜. spy doing sth 發現某人正在做某事 eg:I spied someone coming up the slope . 我發現有人正在走上斜坡。 (2) n. 間諜、密探、情報員 eg:He was arrested as an industrial say . 他由於是工業間諜被捕了。 ★ track (1) n.(人、動物、車等的) 轨迹,踪迹 tire tracks 輪胎痕跡、タイヤの跡 eg:The hunter followed the bear’s tracks . 獵人跟著熊的足跡。 (2) n.(人、動物等踏成的) 小徑、小道 eg:A track runs through the grove . 一條小路穿過了小樹林。 (3) n. 路線、航線 the track of the storm 暴風雨的線路 (4) n. 慣例、常規 keep to the beaten track 循規蹈矩 go off the beaten track 打破常規 (5) 鐵軌、軌道 a single track 單軌; a double track 雙軌 run off the track 出軌 = jump the track ★ binoculars n. 望远鏡 field-glass 望遠鏡 binocular adj. 雙眼的、雙眼用的 二.Key structures: can , be able, manage to 的用法 can 能夠 ; be able 有能力做某事 ; manage to 設法成功做成某事 1. 用can , be able來填空: 1)can you show me the way to the station please ? =could you show me the way to the station please ? 2)I gave him a few lessons and he could soon swim . = I gave him a few lessons and he was soon able to swim . 3)They were able to jump into the sea before the boat sank. 船沉沒前他們能夠跳進大海。 4)You can not leave this room until you get permission . 直到你獲得許可,否則你不能離開這個房間 【Text】 Where was the stations Commanding Officer? A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. He informed the station at once, but no on



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