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申请书编号 Application No: 接收人 Receiving Person: 日期 Date: 经营行业 Field of Operation: 在中国设立外资企业申请表 APPLICATION FORM FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOREIGN CAPITAL ENTERPRISE IN CHINA 一、申请设立外资企业的公司(下称公司)的情况 INFORMATION CONCERNING THE COMPANY APPLYING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOREIGN CAPITAL ENTERPRISE(HEREINAFTER THE “COMPANY”): 1、公司名称 Name of the company: 2、法定地址: Legal Address: 其它地址: Other Addresses(if any): 3、公司成立的国家或区域 Country or Jurisdiction of Incorporation:   4、公司成立日期 Date of Incorporation:    5、法定代表姓名 Name of the Legal Representative:   国籍 Nationality:    6、经营范围 Business Scope:  7、生产规模 Scale of Production:  8、资产总额 Total Assets:   9、注册资本 Registered Capital:   10、银行 Bank: 11、已在投资的国家 Countries Where investment Has Been Made:  12、请附公司近三年资产负债表,如公司经营期未满三年,请附母公司情况。 Attach Balance Sheets for the past 3 years. If the company has less than 3 years’ of operations ,attach information for parent company. 13、公司在华联系人姓名 Name of the Contact Person for the Company in China:  地址 Address:  电话 Telephone number:  二、拟在中国设立的外资企业 THE FOREIGN CAPITAL ENTERPRISE TO BE ESTABLISHED IN CHINA 1、外资企业名称 Name of the foreign Capital Enterprise:  2、地址 Address:  3、投资总额 Total Amount of Investment:  4、注册资本 Amount of Registered Capital:  5、外资企业成立时应为有限责任公司,责任应限为 The foreign capital enterprise shall be a limited liability company. Liability shall be limited to (Amount of Registered Capital) 6、投资的构成 Form of Investment: a、外汇 Foreign Currency: b、设备 Equipment: c、技术 Technology: d、其它 Other: 7、需要的土地面积和建筑面积 Land Surface Area and Building Surface Area Needed: a、办公室 Office: b、生产厂房 Manufactuning: c、其它建筑 Other building: 8、项目情况 Project Conditions: a、经营范围 Scope: b、生产规模 Production Scale: c、原材料及来源 Raw Materials and Their Sources: d、协作配套件的来源 Sources of Machine Fittings: e、产品用途 Product Uses: f、销售市场 Market for Sales: g、出口比例 Export Ratio: h、外汇收支平衡计划(请附在后面) Plan for the Balancing of Foreign Exchange Expenditures and Receipts(Please attach) 9、外资企业管理 Management of the Foreign Capital Enterprise a、董事会组成 Co


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