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摘 要 机械加工工艺设计在现代机械制造领域中占有重要的地位,它与产品设计和产品制造密切相关。现代制造工艺技术是先进制造技术的重要组成部分,也是最有活力的部分。产品从设计到现实是必须通过加工才能完成,工艺是设计和制造的桥梁,设计的可行性往往会受到工艺的制约。 CAD(Computer Aided Design),即计算机辅助设计。特别是三维建模技术,能够大大减轻设计人员的负担,及时发现设计中的错误,提高设计效率。 CAM(Computer Aided Manufacturing),即计算机辅助制造。主要是指计算机辅助编程技术,它利用CAD技术生成的模型,输入的信息是零件的工艺路线和工序内容,输出信息是刀具加工时的运动轨迹(刀位文件)和数控程序。 课题选取Unigraphics为开发平台,以箱体类零件为研究对象,结合机械厂现有的装备情况,详细介绍了其加工工艺设计过程,简要介绍如何在UG NX4的CAD模块下进行特征建模,以及如何在UG NX4 的CAM模块下进行设置,生成零件的加工轨迹和刀轨源文件及NC代码。 关键词:机械加工工艺,箱体类零件,数控,UG,CAD/CAM Abstract Machining process design in the field of modern machinery manufacturing played an important role, it is product design and is closely related to product manufacturing. Modern manufacturing processes and technology are advanced manufacturing technology an important component of, but also some of the most dynamic. Products from design to reality is to be completed through processing, process design and manufacture of bridges, the feasibility of the design process is often subject to constraints. CAD, that is computer-aided design. In particular three-dimensional modeling technology, designers can significantly reduce the burden, to detect design errors, improve the design efficiency. CAM, that is computer-aided manufacturing. Mainly refers to computer-aided programming technique, which uses CAD technology to generate the model, type of information is part of the process route and process the contents of the output information is processed at the time of the tool trajectory (Tool paper), and NC program. Unigraphics select topics for the development platform to box-type parts for the study, combined with the existing mechanical plant and equipment, the details of the design process of its processing technology, a brief introduction on how the CAD module UG NX4 under the feature-based modeling, as well as UG NX4 how the CAM module under the settings, to generate machining tool path trajectory and source files and NC code. Keywords: Machining process design, Box-type machinin


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