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练习答案 Pre—class work H 1. Paraphrase. 1) Then the two men looked at each other briefly and severely and immediately Mr. Crowther went on with his reading, while Mr. Harraby-Ribston went back to his seat, sat down again breathing quickly because he had made such an effort to throw the suitcase out of the window. 2) He was the kind of man who likes to talk and enjoys company, and had guessed that what he did would invariably start a conversation. 3) His companion might get a conclusion that there was a corpse in the suitcase. In case of that, perhaps would inform the police when the train arrived at the destination and then the policemen might ask him some embarrassing and shameful questions. 4) These thoughts were moving around quickly in Mr. Harraby-Ribstons mind, and they took away his hope that his action would give him an interesting conversation, which he thought he deserved. 5) Although he pretended to be indifferent, he was very much surprised when he saw a rich gentleman throwing a suitcase from the window of a moving train. 6) That chap was clearly expecting him to react violently, and therefore Mr. Crowther deliberately decided no to react, because he didnt want to give that man this satisfaction. 7) But Mr. Harraby-Ribston could no longer remain quiet. He had to speak, or he would burst. As he naturally would rather speak than burst, he said: Excuse me, sir, but I must say, you surprise me. 8) Clothes, hairbrushes and so on are all somewhat related to my marriage and will bring back memories, which I want to bury forever. 9) Yes, thats quite true! said Mr. Harraby-Ribston, who, by now, couldnt control his excitement at all. 2. Learn to use reference books. 1) Find the proper definitions of the following in the text. (1) association: the things that related to it (2) chicken: a young and inexperienced person (esp. a woman) (3) out of the question: not possib


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