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根据以下资料回答第35、36、37题: 从藏书量看,50.9%的教师拥有个人藏书50~100册,26.7%的教师藏书200~500册;每年购书支出50-100元的老师占29%,101-200元的占31.5%,201~300元的占21.7%,如果按每本书价15元计算,近3成老师1年买书3.3-6.6本。 想听老师讲 1 ( 单选题 ) 以每本书15元计算,每年支出买书超过6本不足20本的老师占多大比重是: A.? 26.7%? B.? 50.9% C.? 53.2% D.? 55.7% 收起解析 纠错 想听老师讲 正确答案是?D,?你的答案是?C。?回答错误 来源 湖北3000 考点 解析 按照每本书15元,则每年购书数量6本~20本,得到每年购书支出为90元~300元。100元~300元所占比重为31.5%+21.7%=53.2%。答案应该大于53.2%,因此选择D选项。 作者 欧阳秀 笔记 编辑笔记 2 ( 单选题 ) 如果教师用工资的5%买书,那么就材料中所列,教师的年收入差距是: A.? 4000 B.? 5000 C.? 6000 D.? 6500 收起解析 纠错 想听老师讲 正确答案是?B,?你的答案是?B。?回答正确 来源 湖北3000 考点 解析 材料中每年购书支出最低为50元,最高为300元。则相差300-50=250元。那么教师的年收入差距为250÷5%=5000元。因此选择B选项。 笔记 编辑笔记 3 ( 单选题 ) 如果一般学生的年读书量为10本,而教师只读藏书的10%的话,约有多大比重的老师会比学生还少 A.? 17.5% B.? 26.7% C.? 31.5%? D.? 50.9% 收起解析 纠错 想听老师讲 正确答案是?D,?你的答案是?D。?回答正确 来源 湖北3000 考点 解析 根据题目要求,教师的藏书量应小于10÷10%=100本,根据材料“从藏书量看,50.9%的教师拥有个人藏书50~100册”。因此选择D选项。 笔记 编辑笔记 根据以下资料回答第38、39、40题: ?? Internet use appears to cause a drop in psychological health, according to research at Carnegie Mellon University. Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more bad feelings and loneliness than those who was online less frequently, the two-year study showed. Researchers are puzzling over the results, which were completely contrary to their expectations. They expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television, since the Net allows users to choose their information and to communicate with others.? The fact that Internet use reduces time available for family and friends may account for the drop in psycho logical health, researchers hypothesized (推测). Faceless, bodiless virtual (虚的) communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower. Another possibility is that exposure to the wider world through the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives. ?? But its important to remember this is not about the technology, its about how it is used, says psychol- ogist Christine Ril


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