
毕业论文(设计)-二级减速器箱体设计及模态分析 .doc

毕业论文(设计)-二级减速器箱体设计及模态分析 .doc

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某二级减速器箱体设计及模态数值分析 摘要 本文联合利用UG软件和Ansys Workbench软件对二级减速器箱体进行模态分析。首先通过查二级减速器课程设计的相关书籍进行二级减速器的使用要求分析,其次进行了二级减速器力学分析和传动比分配,然后按照参数在UG中进行某型二级减速器箱体三维模型的参数化设计,并将设计好的模型导入Ansys Workbench软件中进行自由模态和约束模态的分析,得出了二级减速器箱体前十阶的模态频率和阵型,了解了二级减速器箱体的阵型位移最大的区域和阵型特点。 本设计将箱体的设计,建模和分析结合的一项综合性研究,对同类产品的固有特性分析和设计具有指导性意义,为二级减速器箱体振动、噪声特性分析及噪声控制提供了可靠的依据。 关键词:二级减速器箱体,模态分析,数值模态,Ansys Workbench Abstract In this paper, combined use of UG software and Ansys Workbench software modal analysis was carried out on the secondary gear reducer box. Check first through the curriculum design of the secondary reducer related books for secondary reducer use requirement analysis, the second secondary reducer mechanics analysis and the distribution of transmission ratio, and then according to the parameters for a certain type of secondary reducer box in the UG 3 d parametric design of the model, and to design good model import in Ansys Workbench software free modal and constraint modal analysis, obtained the secondary gear reducer box first ten order modal frequency and formations, understand the largest displacement of the secondary gear reducer box formation and formation characteristics. In addition this paper is the design of the box body, modeling and analysis in combination with a comprehensive study, the analysis on the intrinsic characteristics of similar products and the design of instructional significance, for the secondary gear reducer box body vibration and noise characteristics analysis and noise control provides a reliable basis. Keywords: secondary reducer box body, the modal analysis, the numerical modal, Ansys Workbench 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 课题研究背景与意义 1 1.3 本课题的国内外研究现状 2 第二章 二级减速器基本参数的确定 4 2.1二级减速器使用要求分析 4 2.1.1 带式输送机的二减速器设计题目 4 2.2 计算传动装置总传动比和分配各级传动比 6 2.2.1 传动装置总传动比 6 2.2.2 分配各级传动比 6 2.3 计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 7 2.3.1 各轴转速 7 2.3.2 各轴输入功率 7 2.3.3 各轴转矩 8 2.4 V带传动设计计算 9 2.4.1 确定V带的基本参数 9 2.5齿轮参数 11 2.5.1高速轴齿轮参数 11 2.5.2 低速轴齿轮参数 11 2.6轴的结构设计及受力分析 12 2.6.1高速轴的结构设计及力学分析 12 2.6.


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